
Even intending a joke, do

Even intending a joke, do you really think suggesting illegal usage is appropriate?


robologist –

Yes I do think it is appropriate!

It would be inappropriate if it wern’t obvious that it is not a joint-rolling machine. I live by the creed: When in doubt, do the funnier thing. Also, joint rolling is not exactly illegal… You can buy all you want in Holland, its basically legal in Canada, if you are sick in CA you are good to go -even here in Mass we can hold up to an oz.

Now if it were a meth lab, that would NOT be funny. --See the difference?

yeah, but
I guess the point is that Carmen rolled cigars, or cigarettes, not Js.

**Only a difference of opinion. **

I’ll try to tell the next officer that stops me for speeding that my velocity is “basically legal” on the autobahn, and see how far that gets me.

I simply do not find the material suggested as funny in a response to a post that has evidence of a junior high/ high school robotics competition, namely FIRST. Kids will have plenty of simlar “jokes” by their peers to listen to, it would be hopeful that such material could be tempered with a bit of discernment here where many ages, parents and kids, are present, posting and reading.

It does move around and avoid objects. :smiley: Good work!


Even though this is for FIRST this is still "OUR LMR" community to which they are now apart of. I think they would have heard worse in school about joints
and hemp. :smiley:

Now a cig or joint rolling bot would be awesome. It could run from the cops lol… :stuck_out_tongue:

You guys know how to grill someone alive…

So it’s a bar-b-que robot. All those strings are a kind of griddle.

I still don’t get "first"

I clicked all the links and all I understand is that FIRST is a USA thing. And that’s about it.

I am not from the USA. Does that make me stupid?

If so, here is a chance for you all to alleviate some international stupidity. Without ever leaving your country! Thanks in advance.


Oh, I watched the video explaining this “Lunacy” game. Man, it would have been so much easier on me if you had mentioned “ball game” in the first sentence of your post! I understand how the editor initially screwed you over. That was harsh. Not just on you. On your readers as well.

I would love to see how this robot develops further and how it performs in the games. Good luck! With robot and editor alike.


A robotics technology
A robotics technology application competition for high school/junior high students is a sort of description of FIRST, BEST, and probably a few others contests. Various schools that wish to compete form student teams, gather teacher and industry "mentors" for those teams, and hopefully sponsership from local industry. Each year a new competition including rules for the arena, and the parts allowed that year is announced, and then teams have something like 6 weeks to build and learn to pilot several robots up to successfully compete. Successful teams in regional events go on to national competitions. Teams are encouraged to be cheered on not unlike the high schoo sportsl events, to provide an atmosphere of excitement in success in engineering a good solution. FIRST is the more widespread event started by Dean Kamen, that includes their main competition, a VEX based one, and also a Lego League I think. BEST is a less expensive competition along the same lines.

not badbut it is too

not bad

but it is too lousy.built a robot that can comunicate with people!!!

Not all robots communicate
Not all robots communicate with people. None of the robots you have posted here communicate with people :wink: (For those too lazyt to click through, he hasn’t posted any yet, hence the humor. Now back to your regularly scheduled post.)


Some people just talk out there ass… :stuck_out_tongue:

0 robots on this site danielfoon has… Good job failing danielfoon… :smiley:

I’m in the FIRST Program too!

My team is the Roboraiders! Look for Team 75!!!


Good luck next week playing LUNACY!!!

Where are you guys playing?
Where are you guys playing? I am team 2866.

AZ Regional
We going to be at the PHX,AZ Regional. March 19-21. Cant wait

I’ve been following the

I’ve been following the FIRST competition for a while and I am jealous that it did not exist when I was in school. Nonetheless, good job on the robot construction. I know you are provided a kit with the basic components that you must use and the rest is up to your enginuity. For me, the pictures and videos said a lot about what you all are attempting to accomplish. Hopefully that conveyor belt design will work out for you as I’m not so sure the bands was the best way to go for this design. They did work in the videos though.


Thanks for the post and keep up the good work. Also, try to add some content as to what the different systems are designed to do and possibly some techniques/brainstorming ideas you chose to use.

reply to comment
excuse me are you trying to say we are copying other designs and by the way where is your gracious professionalism, because i am a better person than you and our team is a role model I will not respond the way you did, but let me tell you one thing at Atlanta we’re bringing it so watch it.

reply to I don’t know… Joke or not

We have been really busy John is doing all he can but doesnt have enough time we have been really busy if you go into youtube there are a lot of videos you can go search

**all I noticed was **
What i noticed was that, i was actually there, and no one died, but the chances of your team winning did =,( ahhhhhhhhh