Total Life: 16147.3 hrs since Aug 22,2018
Life this year: 4261.71 hrs (BOY Aug 22)
Days Booted This Year: 31
Average Time Between Reboot: 137 hrs
Total Dockings: 1914
Dockings this year: 474
New Batteries At Cycle: 1453
Battery Set At Cycle: 461
Docking Failures this year: 26 or 5.4 % of Dockings
Safety Shutdowns this year: 2 or .4 % of Dockings
Ave Cycle this year (w/o failures): 9.5 hours
Ave Cycle this year: 9.0 hours
Ave Playtime this year: 6.2
Last Docking: 2021-02-12 09:05|[]---- Docking 1914 completed at 8.1 v after 7.1 h playtime
Last Recharge: 2021-02-12 13:03|[]---- Dismount 1914 at 11.3 v after 4.0 h recharge