BOXZ is is an open source robot platform for interactive entertainment! We connected Arduino,Plexiglass(or cardboard) Origami and your idea together, so we can easily and quickly build a remote robot by ourself! You can assembled it like LEGO! We can use it to playing football game, racing, fighting or some other interesting things!


[V001E] The beautiful memory of childhood
Video link:
[V002E]Who is the princess in your heart
Video link:

Hardware of BOXZ
1. Arduino 328P 2009 or some other board like Seeeduino

2. Drive board

3. Bluetooth Board

4. Some other things
TT Reduction Gear with 6V DC Motor and 65MM Wheel x 2
TowerProSG90 Analog Servor x 2
5xAA battery case x 1
Breadboard Cable x 4
Cardboard 2MM
some M1.0x30MM, M3x10MM
Some step photo and overview

I will update some more training to show how we made BOXZ

BOXZ I/O define


BOXZ Pro(Plaxiglass)


BOXZ Pro overview


BOXZ Pro add some sensor(From Seeed Grove)


BOXZ Pro with LED Bar and Eye Component


Some Skin of BOXZ overview



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Step by Step[Update 20120912]<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<



BOXZ Skin 




Some more video

V001+ BOXZ base:

V002+ BOXZ Pro:

BOXZ with Angry Birds:

BOXZ with Minecraft Creeper:

BOXZ with Wifi Cam: 


Some video about function testing 

Iphone control BOXZ through MACBOOK:

BOXZ controller test with openjumper:

BOXZ LED test:


Most of our public and update is here, but in Chinese

Version info:
BOXZ Base: Easy and funny
BOXZ Pro: Support more sensor and use plexiglass

Size info:
The Cube of BOXZ: 128x128x128MM
The Skin of BOXZ: 130x130x130MM


Everything you can find it here, include the draw, arduino code and skin...Have fun!



Some of Skins are reference from the web:


Author: Leo

License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)





  • Power source: 5x AA 1.5V cells
  • Programming language: Arduino

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Very nice!

This is looking very nice and well documented, I’ll have to take a closer and more attentive look later :slight_smile:

thank you for reply! Now I’m

thank you for reply! Now I’m making some training doc for everyone can make BOXZ easily

It’s ok to be square

Congratulations on a nicely documented project. Unfortunately I find my connection to Youku too slow to be able to enjoy the videos. Thanks for sharing in detail how to go about building the Roboxz, : D

thank you for your reply. I

thank you for your reply. I would try to upload the video to youtube!

Youku is the Chinese Youtube

Youku is the Chinese Youtube and very fast inside China :slight_smile: Outside China are limitations what we have to face the other way around too, watching video form non-domestic video platforms is almost impossible.

Well done leo, nice project.

Well done leo, nice project. If you have time then please introduce it to our hackerspace in Shanghai on each Wednesday evening is open day and the chance to introduce yourself and your project.


Get it! Thank you for reply.

Get it! Thank you for reply. Now I’m travelling in Shenyang, and BOXZ also have lots of staff to do. Wish I could be there at beginning of Nov.

Anytime Leo. As soon as you

Anytime Leo. As soon as you know a possible Shanghai visit then please let me know :slight_smile:


great idea!!! thanks for posting this!

** Wish you can open the**

 Wish you can open the video now. I have update some video to youtube, and include the video link from youku, also add two trainning! Have fun!

OK :slight_smile:

OK :slight_smile:

Updating how to make a BOXZ rob ! Have fun!

My pleasureThere are some

My pleasure

There are some update about how to make a BOXZ robot, HF!

Great project & execution!

Simple but thorough & comprehensive. Wonderful combination of basic tech with style (cuteness!). And such amazing documentation. For me, your bot inspires enthusiasm. Thanks!

Cool! I especially like the

Cool! I especially like the Creeper SSSSSSSkin…ima fan of Minecraft!

Me too, a fan of Minecraft!

Me too, a fan of Minecraft! and as you know BOXZ is a cube, some of ideas is from MC

But I really afraid the sound of SSSSSSSS…

Thank you for your admire,

Thank you for your admire, I wish to build a platform to let everyone have a rob easily, and could play with each other. Have fun!