Biped walker with 3 servos (Dead Duck Walking)

If it walks like a duck…

If it walks like a duck… it must be a Halloween decoration?

Very fun robot, Frits!

Nicely done!

simple and awesome! I would try contacting Disney so that they could use your design to make walking donald ducks or any other characters!

Thats preposterous


LOL. (The use of the battery pac as a counter balance works realy well Happy Halloween)

need serious help

Hello, i am a beginner and i cant get picaxe or adruino in my country , so what should i do about the microcontroller and all other basic stuffs.Will anything related to computer parts do the job , please suggest me what should i do.

You should look at the top

You should look at the top menu, where it says “Start here”.

Regarding getting parts: I live in Denmark, and to the best o my knowledge I cannot bou the parts in my country either. That is why we go to webshops - in this cae, as shown in the video, go to - That is what we do, and then the parts come with the mail.


Dont know if you’ve seen it, but this bot is shown on the picaxe website on the video tab of the AXE320 module page (

BTW: you did it again. You’ve created a robot that moves in a very cool and unexpected way. You the master of moves

Thanks, Yes I saw it :slight_smile:

Thanks, Yes I saw it :slight_smile: Clive from PICAXE wrote me a cryptic mail that he had “put up some random video he found on Youtube there” :wink:

luv the DUCK

this is truly wonderful work.  thanks for sharing. 

it’s great when I see in the youku. how can you do that.

this chip is so far not popular in China.

I like it so I made one.

I really liked this 'bot, so I cloned it, but based on AVR/Arduino since that is what I have and know.

I posted a short video at


Thanks for sharing your design, and all the other inspiration on these pages.  I am new to robots - this is my first build.


That’s a really nice job!

That’s a really nice job! Well done, I hope you’ll post it as a robot here on LMR, and also include your code. It looks like a very nice Arduino port of my PICAXE basic, I think know that a lot of people are asking to see that :slight_smile:


This I s brilliant!!! I’ve
This I s brilliant!!! I’ve always wanted to make a bipedal and this one doesn’t look to hard!!!

Thanks. I posted it as a

Thanks.  I posted it as a robot at

hey, we can talk

also from youku, haha~

still wondering what servo he used.


Im gonna  take borrow this form of locomotion. I think i’ll try to make a humanoid out of it :). Oh! And if you wanted to use the least amount of actuators, one could’ve used a custom geartrain and a single dc motor. The drive train would work by moving a leg to the corresponding direction the motor is rotating. If it rotated more one way, the biped would turn. 

"if you wanted to use the

"if you wanted to use the least amount of actuators, one could’ve used a custom geartrain and a single dc motor."

Actually, no - if you read the code, you will see that there is a great deal of time-tweaking done - individually for each side.

Looking forward to seeing your project :slight_smile:


hi please could you watch this video, i am making this robot and i have come across this, is this a problem or does it really matter, when the right servo is in the air, the middle one is flat against both of the servos, but when the left servo is in the air, the middle servo is diagonallly touching both the right and left servos, watch the video to understand, either comment on the video or back on here, thank you, here is the link:

Video: Great Topic: Nogo!

Hi, as you can read in the rules (and please, I have been writing to you a lot about this), never start a topic line with the word “Help”. Thank you.

Great thing you made, and posted a video - makes it a lot easier to help you, awesome :slight_smile:

You are posting your questions all over: On Youtube, Picaxe forum, and in various posts here. Please stop doing that, only ask on the project page, thanks. (Please do not ask people to answer on YouTube - if we start doing that, it will be very confusing for everybody)

OK… to the question: The 2 small sticks has holes. These should be closer together, then the middle servo would not be that loose. But does it matter? Well, you find out - that is how we all do things: Try and error, test and try.


i dont understand, where is

i dont understand, where is the project page, i thought this was the project page plus i dont understand whats wrong with asking for help?

Duane is 100% right

Duane Degn makes all my points more clearn than I am capable of :slight_smile:

This IS the project page - problem was that you asked more questions about your project around in various other posts as well. I had to log in as Webmaster and delete them. That took my time, and it took the time of everyone else who had been reading and commenting.

Time… What does it matter? It matters a lot. We all want to build robots - our own robots. Of course we also want to help each other, that is what we ar here for.

Making robots is very time consuming. One has to test, try, test, try and test again.

If you are asking instead of testing and trying, you take away our time, and all in all we can make less robots because of the way you act. If you act that way.

I know you are very young, and you are doing a cool project, and we are all here to support you the best we can.

But you HAVE to read and understand the rules (top menu), and you have to first read if others have asked the same question, and if there is an answer.

This is why posts has to be collected on the same pages, and not scattered all around - so we can find things, so you can find things: Other peoples Q&A’s.

TEST AND TRY ALL YOU CAN before asking for help. Only when really, really stuck, make a good description of your challenge (your video was a great way to show us the problem you had, many could learn from you there, great job!) - and post it on the page where you’d yourself find it most logic to seek for the answer.

When ever you post a QUESTION, make sure that the SUBJECT will tell the next person what this is about.

Why? Imagine you where searching for “Where to connect batteries to part XYZ”, then you, yourself, would not be able to see that others had already asked that question and got an answer, if the subject was - as an example - “Problems with my robot”.

It should be clear what the question is about, because then it will also be clear for the next person that there might be an answer in that post.

Basically: When you post on LMR, you litterally create LMR. There is no paid authors in here, everything you post is authoring, You make LMR. Think about that every time: Am I making a better site this way? - That is basically what we are on about.

I hope it makes sense, and don’t worry for us being harsh on you, I see that you are actually doing a fantastic project, and we all welcome you very much, because we know that someone like you can make amazing projects - and we are here to help you. Including helping you how to make a better LMR :wink: