Biped walker with 3 servos (Dead Duck Walking)

For the sake of it, I wanted to see if I could make a really simple biped - and this is what I came up with :)

I thought it was really fun to do, much more than expected, I can recommend it :) if I can find the time, I would love to do some other versions of this kind of simple moving creatures.. a couple of servos, wood, glue, Picaxe, back to basics, good fun :D

Walks the walk

  • Actuators / output devices: 3 servos
  • CPU: Picaxe 8M
  • Power source: 4 AA batteries

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at


always using wood? that’s great !! but is it simple enough? 

I’m not quite sure I follow
I’m not quite sure I follow your “is it simple enough”?

Nice and simple!

Nice and simple!


We should make another robot video competition! The Night of the Living Dead Duck Competition! +1 point for Halloween themed idea. 

no, don’t do anything about

no, don’t do anything about it, it’s just so cool, haha, a dead duck!?!

I am curious
I notice that the bot seems to start its walk somewhat slowly and then it seems once inertia sets in it can really get down to business. Is that programmed or just plain ole physics?

Nice work! :smiley:

The walking looks great, but just for curiosity, can it turn?

Thanks - it is easy (now -

Thanks - it is easy (now - because I made 2-3 failed attempts first :wink: It actually looks more complicated on the video, I think.

"Can it turn"? Very good

"Can it turn"? Very good question!

THe answer is yes: The slow and nice looking turn; just do a little more to one side than the other whilst walking. Or the ugly “stand still first, and make some moves to turn, and then start walking again”.

There are a lot of ways to turn while standing still -one looking better than the other, and one more likely to cause a fall than the other.

I would have shown a lot more of the robots possible moves, but I am under an editor at make, and the videos have to be short. In fact I was pushing the limits of length with this one.

There are 2 answers to

There are 2 answers to this:

If I just let it go from stand still to walk, it will do the wobbling, and after 2-3 wobbles start walking.

But if I want (I think that is shown in one clip), I can just start a walk with a fast tip to one side, combined with a little foot work, and … hang on… yes - at 0:23 in the video (the first walk) I do the little tip-over, and as you can see it starts walking right away without wobbling.

This is a great design and concept Frits!

I’m always amazed of how simple and functional your robots are. This is one that I might try to build sometime in the future. Maybe try to build a 3D printable version?

Thanks :)Simple projects

Thanks :slight_smile:

Simple projects from me: Sad truth is that I do not have the brains to make it complicated. But I try to use that for my advantage :wink:

3D: Yes, I think the design concept of this bipedal rocks in comparison to others (in all modesty) - If I was a manufacturer, I’d contact me (or just plain steal my concept). And if I had a 3D printer, I think this would be a neat thing to print, in a more fancy designed version. Tough it’s a lot easier in wood, perhaps you should try that first :wink:

I agree, I think that this

I agree, I think that this is the best bipedal system I have ever seen :slight_smile:

nice and funny video, you

nice and funny video,  you are very good at encouraging people to make robot. 

I was wondering when someone

I was wondering when someone was going to use a counterbalance as a way to keep a biped walking and somewhat stable…Great work on keeping it simple too…  :slight_smile:

Great little robot

Great little robot Frits,simple and very well documented as always. Thanks for posting :slight_smile:

I love fritzl robots. I wish he had more time for them. Maybe we should pay him more

**NICE!! :slight_smile: **

NICE!! :) 

Frits you have lovely hands !

Nice video - I like the new format, however, I do miss the audio of you cursing in Danish like your earliest videos :slight_smile: