Bi-Ped Mini Sumo

Well, here is a real appliction for a Bi-Ped: Mini Sumo!!!

Both of these robots will fit inside a 4" x 4" (10cm x 10cm) square.

With opponent and edge sensors:

Without sensors:

One of these days I will make one out of aluminum to get its weight up.


Cute! Were these 'bots inspired by David Buckley perhaps?

Alan KM6VV

A good question for lawyers.

I developed this entier robot design on my own with Legos about 10 years ago. I was aware of his robot from an old picture, but never seen one in person or saw one work. I had no idea how his robot worked. Turns out that after showing my robot to some friends at Parallax, they decided to make the Toddler. But the Toddler design is more like David’s design. Since then, a lot of other people have been making robots based on David’s design.

So technically speaking, since I saw a picture of his robot prior to completing my robot design, one could say my robot design is based on his design. I reality, I was trying to make a simple robot look like the Marauder from the original Mechwarrior PC game, that could compete in a mini sumo contest. The mini sumo size constraint made the two servo approach the natural solution.

I would like to think my design was original.


Yeah, I know what you mean. I saw David’s Loki, and decided to make my own. I studied the legs/feet in a pix, and just HAD to design my own 'bot.

I believe David talked to Parallax as well. From the emails I’ve gotten from him, I believe he encourages others to take inspiration from his creations, and go on to develop their own.

Alan KM6VV

That wasn’t the tone I got from him several years ago.

Maybe I should try a Loki style of a robot for mini sumo? Now that could make things a bit more interesting?


Parallax recognized David in the Toddler manual posted recently.

He seems to be keen on it now. Yeah, why not try a Loki robot? I found it quite interesting!

You need a 4-servo walker (Loki) on your website!

Alan KM6VV

I see David Buckley has an “Inspiration” reference to a page with your two 'bots,

Drunken Sailor and Black Marauder.

Found a yahoo list with toddlers:

He’s got a link to my Loki as well, although I need to send him some newer pix.

Alan KM6VV

All those links and Lynxmotion isn’t found anywhere? :open_mouth: Tried emailing them for possible inclusion, and the email bounced. sigh…

Yeah, you’d think there would be a place for a Brat or a hexapod somewhere in Dave’s website. It may be because he’s most interested in Toddlers and descendants of Big Foot.

Try this email address:
David at davidbuckley dot net

The Yahoo list is for Toddlers. I know, you could bring out a toddler 'bot!

Alan KM6VV

I had planned to offer a 4 servo walker, while not exactly a toddler…

…the cost was not low enough to compete with the BRAT so I eventually ditched the concept. I have never really been a fan of the toddler concept. Way too limiting.

Agreed- I’m for more DOF, not less. 8)

If you like more DOF, I have a cool new biped leg design for you. It’s a triple double jointed 6DOF leg. :smiley:

All SES, all the time! :slight_smile:


I’d wondered what ever happened to that little guy…

Interesting little 'bot! Kinda like Loki in concept from what I can see; as it relies on large feet to “contain” the COG.

Granted, the BRAT has additional freedom, but at the cost of two additional servos. I’m surprised it didn’t come it at least a little cheaper then the BRAT.

Yeah, toddlers are kinda extreme in their excuse for walking. I had fun getting Loki to walk, 'tho.

Alan KM6VV

I didn’t say it wouldn’t be cheaper, I only said the cost was not low enough to compete with the BRAT. In other words the difference was not enough to justify the work involved in adding the kit. Reasoning is, for ~$25.00 to ~$35.00 more, so much more can be done. But the real killer for me was the simple fact that it looks goofy walking. Final nail in the coffin for that project. :slight_smile:

But, the real question is:

Can you make one of these 4 servo walkers, or a Loki, or a version of the Brat small enough to compete in a mini sumo contest?

The 2 servo walker is small enough to do this.

I think I might try a 4 servo version of a mini sumo walker this summer.

Walkers are so much more fun to build and compete in sumo than the wheeled wedges. The crowds go nuts over them. The action is quite often unpredictable.


That’s a new question, I seem to remember you or someone saying they were wanting to complete with a walking 'bot, but I’m not seeing it yet.

Yeah, they are fun to build. Can they really compete? Seems a low-hung wedge of a Sumo would make a quick scoop of my Loki. Maybe I’m missing something?

Alan KM6VV

I don’t think the point is to be competive against a serious wheeled sumo. It’s a fun-ness thing.

All-Biped sumo would be cool, kind of a hybrid between sumo and robo-one. I really like this idea. I’d still want more DOF though. :smiley:

Ah. For fun! Then I’m starting to see the reasoning. Maybe have the 'bots attack each other with Nurf-bats or something? Frankly I’d hate to have my 'bots damaged (any size) in a competition. Similarly, I’d hate to damage another’s 'bot. (I take it that little Sumo 'bots don’t usually damage each other, but I’m sure walking 'bots with servos might be more easily damaged.)

Rather, I’d like see some obstacle course, or some tasks to be accomplished. The “collecting blocks” seems like a good one.

More DOF legs? Sure! Two is really simplistic. My hope is to make them available to kids, 'tho.

Alan KM6VV

Its all about the coefficient of coolness…

There is nothing like good old fashion head to head combat.

The only sumo robots I have ever seen get damaged in a contest are the ones that look like they are going to fall apart all by themselvses.

What would you rather do, spend $1000 on a high tech wedge sumo robot, and win the tournament only to find out that no one remembers who you are a couple months later, or use that same $1000 and build a humanoid robot and enter it in the ring, and lose, but people will talk about it for years?

Besides, all a humanoid sumo needs to use is a single little finger to flip the power switch on the other guys robot. Game over.
