I wanted to buid a walking robot and then i did. It cannot stand vertical by itself so i made a wheel based structure in front of it wich is wider than the robot in wich i put a beer can and the steering is also on it. I used mostly computer and printer parts. for example the wheels are actually HDD platters.
It carries a can of 0.5 liters of beer
- Actuators / output devices: Dual planetary reductors for the legs (from a DC Screwdriver), 2 simple 12V electric motors
- Control method: Wired remote control, non-autonomus
- CPU: I am the brains
- Operating system: none
- Power source: 12V/5Ah lead-acid
- Programming language: none
- Sensors / input devices: no sensors
- Target environment: indoor
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/beerbot-4000