Autonomous Telepresence Security Rover

Autonomous Security Rover

             by Arthur Gabanyi

The Rover will be able to navigate through a known environment, with the main purpose to make sure that no one is on the premises. In case of a security breach (witch the Rover will be able to detect via the two PIR sensors) it will send a text notification to the cell phone of the owner. The Rover can also be controlled over the Web or with a Remote Control Unit (Case with a 10" screen). The Remote will get a separate post since it is quite complicated.

When I got the time (in a few days) I will describe my Project in more detail.

In case you are interested, there is a lot of Information in the Video.

There will be many videos to follow. :)


If you have any thoughts on this project please tell me in the Comments down below.

Or if you have any questions contact me:

[email protected]


In the meantime some pictures of the Working-Progress:


The Power Board taking care of the 5V supply (capable of 7.5A):



Bottom part of the Rover with the three Batteries the four motors the Rover 5 DriverBoard and the 'BrakeBoard':


Components located in the Top Part with the CPU. (GPS, Voice Recognition, BeagleBone, GSM-Shield, Power Regulation):




A cruel drawing :)

cruel drawing :)

There is more content coming soon!

If you have any questions contact me:

[email protected]

If you have any thoughts on this project please tell me in the Comments down below.

A very capable Robot, that can be remote controlled or rely on numerous sensors to be autonomous.

  • Actuators / output devices: 4x 7.2VDC 291RPM 54.31oz-in GHM-03
  • Control method: autonomous, Webpage over Wi-Fi, Xbee Pro S2 2.4GHz 1.6km
  • CPU: Arduino Mega 2560, BeagleBone (handling Webcams and control over Webpage)
  • Operating system: Ubuntu (Linux) (Image from OpenROV)
  • Power source: 2x 7.4V 8000mAh 2S Li-Poly 30C (for the 4 motors), 7.4V 4000mAh 2S Li-Poly 20C (over Pololu D15V70F5S3 Step-Down Voltage Regulator for 5V Logic)
  • Programming language: Arduino - C/C++
  • Sensors / input devices: Pololu 30A ACS715 Current Sensor, Lynxmotion Quadrature Motor Encoder, Pixy (CMUcam5), Pololu QTR-8RC (line follower), HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor, PIR Motion Sensor, gas sensor, Ultimate GPS, Tilt Compensated Compass (LSM303)
  • Target environment: indoor, outdoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Where did you get that lcd?

Where did you get that lcd? and how much power is needed. Btw I really like your robot so far. 



I like the LCD too. :smiley:

I got the LCD from Adafruit.

In case you haven’t heard of them jet, I highly recommend that you check them out they have really awesome stuff!

I chose the negativ LCD because I think that it looks nicer, but you might want to consider the positive one since it is brighter (not because the backlight is better, it is just the way the LCD works.)
(A negative LCD is just the opposite of a positive one, instead of a light background and dark charaters it has a dark background and light charakters.)

Might aswell want consider to buy an LCD backpack, it allows you to controll the LCD over i2c or SPI, which safes you a lot of pins.
You would still need 3 extra pins since it has an RGB backlight.

Thanks, I like your robots too, I noticed that you used the Lynxmotion Chasis as well.
And the Pioneer D3-PX looks very interresting. (I have come across that model before, I think I even saw it onces in person in an musem in Munich)

The Links and some Pictures:

Negative RGB LCD 20x4:



i2c / SPI LCD backpack:



What did you add since your

What did you add since your latest update? I’m excited to see this machine come together, this is going to be some loaded platform!

When will you post more details on this project?

I am very much inspired with this project. please post more videos on connecting the components and programming codes.