Autonomous Robot UAN

UAN consists of a number of panels connected to a common I2C bus. Power supply to the panels is provided together with the communication cables. The lower level contains the MD22 motor controller, motors, batteries and voltage regulation circuitry.

Two 6V 3.2Ah batteries drive the robot. One battery is used to drive the electronic circuits, including the processor . In order to achieve this, its voltage is regulated to 5V using a low drop-out regulator. The other battery is used to drive the motors directly. This approach was preferred over a single battery solution as the voltage level on the processor board is not affected when the motor supply demand increases.

Three SRF10 sensors are used to detect obstacles in a range in excess of 180 degrees. The Viper-LITE and Viper-I/O boards are mounted on the topmost panel, since the switches on the Viper-I/O are used to administer the robot, and the CompactFLASH must be easily accessible as it is used to store the robot configuration files.

Nice thing is that I have also built a robot simulator program where controllers can be tested and then they can be put directly on UAN... maybe I'll put it online one of these days.....

Programmable behaviour

  • Actuators / output devices: 4 motors
  • Control method: Full autonomous
  • CPU: Viper-LITE
  • Operating system: Windows CE 5
  • Power source: 6V *2
  • Programming language: C, C#
  • Sensors / input devices: SRF05 *3, CMPS05
  • Target environment: Indoor or outdoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

wow compliments, it looks
wow compliments, it looks cool. But come on, write something about it :slight_smile:

i agree
i agree with nicola! looks good bur write something about it

OK… give me some time… I
OK… give me some time… I am very lazy!! :wink:

Uhm you used the MD22… how
Uhm you used the MD22… how did you find it? worked of or gived you some problems ?

MD22 is straightforward to

MD22 is straightforward to use but I cannot say that I am completely satisfied. But I needed an I2C enabled driver and at that time MD22 seemed a good solution. But if I had to change a subsystem, it will probably be the MD22…