ATtiny84 3-servo hexapod

Similar to the Pololu 3-servo hexapod, except I made my own PCB, built my own IR sensor system, and wrote my own code including hardware Timer1/interrupt assisted servo pulse control.

Code and PCB layout here:

Avoids obstacles

  • Actuators / output devices: Micro servos
  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: ATtiny84
  • Operating system: Arduino
  • Power source: 300mAh 1S LiPo
  • Programming language: C
  • Sensors / input devices: ir photodiodes
  • Target environment: indoors

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I would be one of those

I would be one of those fans. I figured I’d be able to get 4 servos working across the tiny family but shelved the project some time ago. I was aiming at using an 8-bit timer though, so this looks promising.

Beta testers wanted for TinyServo library

Download here:

Feedback welcome.

** Could you send me the**


 Could you send me the code(if you used C++) and the instructions to build?


** My email is**


 My email is [email protected].

I agree

yes it’s generally a bad idea! Now anyone can get at it SPAMS

Great Build!

This is great, what I like about it is it’s not really perfect and controlled, it sort of flails around a bit. Adds to the creep factor a lot!

Reminds me of a harvest man that touched it’s leg on a RCA cable that was in use. Because the cable was live the harvest man went all weird, one leg got wrapped around the cable and the other legs started scrabbling as it tryed to pull the stuck leg away. I had to unplug the cable to let it escape…

Stops ranting

So I take it you have made a

So I take it you have made a library that will work on ATtinys that is still in development stages? I’m interested in trying it out (soon as my ATtiny84A arrives anyway!)


Surely you could use only 2 servos? One for the middle left / right legs as you have it, and then one for all other legs? Or do you need the 2 outer legs on each side independant to turn? I am thinking of making this, it’s really cool…