I’m currently making the gripper out of aluminum sheet metal. I did temporarily use two pieces of PCB stock for links to the R/C servo horn, but I’ve received my bell-crank links now, and will replace my test material.
I’ve been experimenting with using latex (?) tubing over the jaws, but it gets in the way of the microswitches I want to use.
The LPA gears as seen in the CAD drawing above would allow me parallel motion of the gripper jaws, but really not that much range.
Idea is that acquiring the object (target) closes one or more (low pressure) microswitches on the back of the gripper, then the jaws close on the object until the (higher pressure) microswitches on the jaws close). At that point, the gripper R/C servo stops closing and just holds. At least, that’s the theory. The “Close Jaws” behavior is initiated when the object is detected in the gripper, and when finished, the behavior shifts to the “Search for goal” behavior. Should the object be lost, then before the behavior returns to “find object”, an “open jaws” behavior is executed. All the while, a “Don’t fall off the table” behavior is running (actually has the highest priority). Should the edge of the table be encountered, the behavior “Back up and reverse course” takes over until the new direction is achieved. Then we’re back to a base line behavior of moving forward for a while, and then doing a first left, then right sweep in the forward direction. A 180 spin could also be way to first find the object (target). The highest behavior, “find the goal” is currently the same as the “find target” behavior, we just use sensor data from the higher-mounted Sharp IR rangers.
All of this is accomplished with FSMs, (Finite State Machines) or AFSMs (Augmented FSM). Sensors are checked about 10 times a second via a task flag set by the system timer implemented with an interrupt. Sensors trigger behavior shifts, and the tasks are all controlled by flags. there is no “blocking” or waiting for sensors or any other status.
With the addition of the new R/C servo for the gripper, and the extra “jaws closed” microswitches, I’ve used all of the I/O and analog pins on the Arduino UNO!
With the form factor being the same, the new Basic Micro “Mad Hatter” board should be a “drop in”. Only tricky part might be getting a system timer interrupt set up under Basic.
Alan KM6VV
Alan KM6VV