AS13B 'Bot

While working on a 'bot for the HBRobotics club and was thinking about what brackets to use to secure a pari of R/C servos to the 4" plastic disks, I first considered a pair of ASB04 brackets. While this would certainly work, a also recalled that I had bought the ASB13B dual servo brackets.
ASB13B bracket with servos, sonar range sensors and a front caster.
ASB13B bracket with the Arduino UNO (selected by club 'bot committee)
ASB13B bracket with the ARC-32 (my favorite).

The ASB13B bracket works great! (where to put the 4" plastic disks, why even bother).

But I’ve got a problem, or at least a question. What’s wrong with the ASB13B in my pix?

My ASB13B doesn’t have all it’s holes! Is this an earlier version, or a mistake?

I could really use the extra holes in my brackets to attach the uP board(s). Can I get my brackets replaced? And I have a few parts to order as well (share the shipping).


P.S. the rubber bands are temporarily being used to hold on the 4-AA cell battery below the servos.

There is nothing wrong with the bracket. It was designed and manufactured before the additional holes were added. Right now the black anodized version has the holes and the brushed version does not.

Seems like an odd design. Are the brushed holes compatible with the black holes? (no pun intended).

Can you give me the X and Y Center-to-Center spacing of the bigger holes on the black parts? Perhaps I can add the additional holes. I have a few 'bots to build, but I really want the brushed parts, not black.


Alan KM6VV

Edit: I’m only finding the ASB-13 (black) part number, where is the ASB13B?


Where did all the brushed parts go?

Here :smiley:

Awww, you beat me to it James…

OK, I get it!


I could still use the dimensions to fix my parts…

Alan KM6VV

Who you callin’ odd? lol just kidding…

The bracket came-to-be as the shoulder for our first aluminum arm. At that point the holes that are there are all that were needed. Much later I realized the addition of 3 more hole patterns would make the bracket more useful. When the current version is depleted I will look at making the brushed version with the extra holes.

They are in the same place.

The holes are a mirror image on both axis.

Try clicking on “finish” just above Add to Wish List. :unamused:

OK, poor choice of words… eclectic? eccentric??

I fully see the reasoning now that you’ve explained it. And the bracket is much more useful now with all four quadrants drilled (punched?).

Any plans to update the brushed bracket at a later date?

That’s basically what I did last night when I drew the part to fix the locations of the new holes.

I came up with 1.4135" x 0.902" for the large holes. Not sure of the accuracy due to measuring off of the edges. The little holes would follow the horn pattern. Does this two-horn pattern match any other part?

Alan KM6VV

It’s 0.891" x 1.406" in my file.

Yes, I already said “When the current version is depleted I will look at making the brushed version with the extra holes.”


i feel a sale coming on. he he he :wink:

i like the idea of using the AS13B as a chassis for a small robot. very cool idea.
using two ASB-04’s would give you extra holes tho! :wink:

Thanks for the numbers! I will correct my drawing and mill the additional holes in my part.

Alan KM6VV

I had actually grabbed a pair of ASB-04 brackets first. I’ve had them bolted up together before when I was playing around with the Mark III design.

The ASB-13B “chassis” works great! And a pair of ‘L’ brackets and a Pololu caster makes a good front/drag wheel. I can’t wait to get it powered!

The BH-02 “4 AA Flat Pack with 5.75” leads" can be attached under the R/C servos with Velcro. Nice fit!

What I’m missing (and needed precise dimensions for) is a transition board (adapter) to take the BB II on spacers, and bolt into four holes of the ASB-13B. Now that I’ve got the proper dimensions (I was off 11 tho’ on one of the dimensions), I can rework my bracket accurately. I’ll also put in holes for the Arduino UNO board to satisfy the HBRobotics club build.

Another addition that I haven’t worked out the mounting for is a solder-less breadboard from Parallax:

part 700-00012

It would be mounted above the uP board.

The IR range finders (not sonar, as previously mentioned) are currently just mounted by one hole each of one of the ‘L’ brackets, something better could be done here (and I really want them at angles.)

Thanks. I’ll just mill the extra holes, now that I accurately know their positions.

Alan KM6VV

sound like a really cool project. ill be keeping my eye on this. :wink:

Got the AS-13B bracket modified,

Alan KM6VV

Two new brackets bolt together to take the forward-looking and floor-looking Sharp IR sensors.

The “tongue” behind the horizontal bar slides between the R/C servos and the AS13B bracket. a 3/8" ball-bearing caster is out front.

Still waiting for the smaller Sharp GP2Y0A51SK0F sensors. Sharp GP2D120 sensors look forward.

Now that I have a card reader for the CF cards my Nikon uses, I can transfer pictures off the camera again. I’ve used the USB cable (simple serial com) for years, but it basically stopped working (yes, I reloaded the drivers).

Alan KM6VV

New pix of the Arduino UNO version of the ASB13 'Bot.

Arduino UNO board Or Atom Pro

Prototype board

continuous rotation servos


5-cell battery pack

Forward looking Sharp IR range finders

Floor-looking Sharp IR range finders

ASB13B bracket

IR sensor bracket (mine)

Caster bracket (mine)

Battery bracket (mine)

Servo breakout board (mine)

Plastic body deck (mine)

Ball caster

SchmartBoard Jumpers (.025" wrap post)

03/01/11 Edit: Add parts:

.025" wrap posts (SchmartBoard)

Toggle Switches (DigiKey)

2.1mm Power connector (DigiKey)

4-40 hardware

LED & resistor

Currently running a C program to implement a “Table Top Robot” for the upcoming HBRobotics club project, and the “Table Top Challenge”.

I am also in the process of building a second 'bot by substituting an ARC-32 or BBII board (in progress)

Alan KM6VV

great work. i love it.
good luck in the table top challenge, i hope you do well.
thanks for sharing Alan. :wink:

Realy good looking.

It look like something that can be sold as is… I mean it’s well made.
Hope for you in competition. !

Thanks guys!

It of course uses the ASB13 bracket which is Lynxmotion. With a couple more simple brackets, all the 'bot parts could be bought and assembled.

Bracket drawings and schematic available if anyone is interested.

Could be made with either Arduino or a BBII and Atom Pro. Pix of the BBII will be forth coming.

Alan KM6VV

Do you have any video Yet of it ?
Would be nice to make one to cut my teeth on programming… :wink: