AS13B 'Bot

His this something you could use for the floor sensing ?

Yeah, I was thinking I need to make a video!

I’ve seen that sensor, looks good for line following. I’ll probably adapt it at some point for the 'bot.

LM’s track sensor

Has been discontinued.

Those sensors are basically for seeing lines, what my IR floor sensors do is watch for the table top dropping off beneath the bot’s nose! (so we don’t fall off).

Yes, I’d like to see others build this little 'bot. Code will be available for either the BasicMicroPro, or the Arduino UNO boards.

You’ll have to make a bracket or two (aluminum), unless someone decides to make them…

Alan KM6VV

Since i need to learn a lot for my DIY-Remote, i have think that i could build something like this for testing.

Just started this morning…

That 'bot came out nice!

Where did you find the wheels?

Alan KM6VV

Thoses are setup wheels for RC car. You remplace the true wheels whith thoses so it’s easier to take mesurement.
I have hack 2 hs-422 servo. But it’s almost imposible to have both wheels to turn the same speed. ? Something i do bad ?

Yeah, it’s hard to make the R/C servos match. The Parallax ones have a hole for adjustment of a pot inside.

What you do is include an offset value for each of the servos:

servoRight.writeMicroseconds(CurrentRightSpeed + RightServoOffset); servoLeft.writeMicroseconds(Invert - (CurrentLeftSpeed + LeftServoOffset));

…But that is a C example. Same idea, you need the “offsets”.

Alan KM6VV

Did you keep the origional pot for adjusting, or did you replace the pot with resistors?

I have the original pot that i have centered with lynxterm at 1500uS. Then i have put a drop of CA on the shaft to lock it in place.
Is there a better way ?

The stopped position band of the typical continous rotation servo is ±5us, which isn’t easy to keep adjusted with the origional pot. The origional servo pot might be improved upon by replacing it with a multi turn trim pot (like a 15 turn one) that might not drift as much.

I have change the layout a bit… and added “Lynxmotion” wheels.

Next … order a ball for the third wheel…
Find how to make the wheels move with bap28… :wink:

Pololu has ball castors.

Yeah, that changes the look a little. What are all the brackets for?

Are you going for autonomous?

There are some X-Rover.BAS files on the LM web site, that might get you going.

;Program tracker1.bas Basic Micro Studio v1.0.0.10

Should also help.

My code is currently in C!

Alan KM6VV

Some of the brakets are to hold the BotBoard in place…
The “C” brakets are to hold the battery under the bot, and to attach the ball once i have it…

I have made a “Realy” simple code that make the bot “Live”… :wink:

Autonomius… yes :slight_smile:

Will probably buy thoses this week to get the project going.

Yeah, That’ll work! And the bolt spacing *almost * matches the servo horn pattern…

OK, a line follower!

I’m working on adding a pair of light sensors (CDS). And getting my behavior code running.

Alan KM6VV

That is my “Realy” simple program.

=== Edit ==== nevermind just found bb2tst01.bas
I would like to make change to the speed … etc when touching buttons on the botboard.
Just can’t find the right pins… (I know… it’s basic)
roverbot.bas (205 Bytes)

[size=200]My ASB13 'Bot ran at the RoboGames (called “MicroMoose”), and won a Silver metal.[/size]

Currently, I’m adding a working jaw (gripper) to it.

the gripper design is still evolving.

Alan KM6VV

I realy like the bracket on the first picture.

congratulation for the silver medal…!

Thanks Eric!

Which bracket, the copper-colored one? It’s cut out of PCB stock on my CNC’d Sherline mill.

I’m still working and improving on the design. I added two additional long-range IR sensors, to see the goal (a shoebox at the end of the table). The middle two forward-looking IR sensors find the target, as small square box. Two additional IR sensors look down at the table; to prevent the 'bot from falling off!

Alan KM6VV



well done Alan. i love the AS13B 'bot, and its great to see it has won a silver medal. congratulation. inspirational design.