Arduino 5 Minute Tutorials: Lesson 2 - Basic Code & Blink LED trying to make a line finder robot with aruino,which has 4 IR sensors and 2 motors but i have problem writing its program,would you please help me?

@mahtab Unfortunately we cannot help with custom code.

sir i want more code on arduino
example flashing of led bar and flask the number like 52

@shahrukh We offer a few options here:

@Coleman Benson
You have the patience of a saint to be able to nicely say so many times that you do not offer custom code.
Great tutorial, I look forward to trying it out when my Arduino arrives. Thanks for the info.

@Gary Appreciate the input. Robotics is really an amazing field, so with this feedback, we can see that people want even more information. This series is quite old, so hopefully we’ll find time to create a new, up to date series with even more information.

Hi Coleman, plz help me out to instruct the ISD1760 chipset through Nano Arduino, I want to play a prercorded tracks and want to select any pre recorded tracks and play it in repeat. plz suggest it how to program nana for it. Regs,

@Siddharth Unfortunately we cannot provide custom code. Given that you are working with Arduino, we propose that you create a new topic on the Arduino forum with links to the products and how car you have gotten. Check online to see if any code already exists.

can any one tell me if we have to give 8 inputs to arduino then which arduino should be used???

@Albert Trotter It depends on the application. For blinking LEDs, you can use one digital pin per LED.

Hi Coleman, pls help me to create coding about control the door and light via sms, maybe you may give me any example coding that relate with home automation system. tq

@zul Unfortunately creating custom code (consultation) is not a service we can provide. We suggest you choose an Arduino microcontroller and a GSM shield with good documentation / sample code. The code will also relate to whatever other accessories you use to operate the door lock and lights.

Sir,please can I code my arduino board in a way so that it can work with a bar code scanner.

@Samuel Yes, the Arduino should be powerful enough - the choice will come down to which scanner has complete documentation.

how i can learn arduino basic to pro?
Can you show me to the way?

@Than Toe Aunga A good book should help:

Hello; I am new to this whole system and was thinking of trying to control 30 servos with toggle switches and leds to indicate position for a model railroad. My question is can this be done with an Arduino Uno or is a Mega more appropriate?

@Ed Lambie: Well, the Arduino Uno simply does not have enough GPIOs to control that many servos and LEDs/switches.
With such a setup, you would need to provide input pins for many switches and 1 output pin per LED or servo that is independent. If they all are, then you would need a large amount of GPIOs.
In such a case, the Arduino Mega would be a much better choice. There are also other ways to interact with large numbers of inputs/outputs, but this would require more knowledge of your system and goals/requirements. We strongly recommend that you create a new topic on our forum here. In your first post, please explain your project in details and if possible, provide sketches or pictures of what you are trying to do. The more information you can provide about your requirements and design, the easier it will be obtain clear advice.

In my sketch, I have 8 consecutive digitalWrite instructions; “digitalWrite (LED1, HIGH);”. The sketch compiles and responds “done compiling”. It loads and responds “done uploading”. However the program will only execute 5 consecutive digitaWrite compands, skips three and continues to loop. I have added a “void blink” trying to get around the issue, UNO gives me no more than 5 Highs. Any ideas?

@Bill Corrigan Sounds like a programming issue. We’d need to see the code. Can you create a new topic on the RobotShop or Arduino forums and provide details?