Ardu Armatron

2/19/14 - full 6-motor control

1/31/14 - Arduino Nano, DK Electronics 4 motor control board, and IR remote are all functional.

1/25/14 - End Effector Testing is done.

1/23/14 - Old toy from Radio Shack has undergone surgery.
The following six actions are moved by 6 stamp-size motors:
1. Finger open/close
2. Hand up/down
3. Hand turn CCW/CW
4. Lower arm turn CCW/CW
5. Upper arm up/down
4. Upper arm turn CCW/CW

The original 6 functions were controlled from the two joysticks.



This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I had one of these as a kid!

I had one of these as a kid!  Played with it soo much I wore it out.  I remember taking it apart and being completely in awe at how all the mechanics of it worked.  Wish I still had it now.

Sometimes I just wish I was

Sometimes I just wish I was able to go back before my time and see these types of things…

All the morors are in the

All the morors are in the base? The transmission is done by that gears in the center of the base? 


this thing only has one motor.  Its all cluches and gears.

I have one i want to convert

Can you tell us how your motors connect to the armatron controls?

The original motor and

The original motor and joysticks with transmission gear trains were removed. They were replaced by 6 smaller motors. Each motor has a single gear meshed with the corresponding gear train leading to an axis. The motors will be connected to a motor shield of Arduino.
