Ant v3 - Micro Tracked Robot

This is the reaplcement to Ant v2, almost the same specifications, has newer SMT memory and more SMT parts and is .5" smaller all around.


This is a retired robot as I am currenlty moving to a newer MCU platform (AVR) on Ant v4.

Seeks out tinfoil balls!

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 track drives, 1 jaw grab/lift actuator, peizo speaker, 3 smt LED status lights
  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: MC68HC11
  • Power source: 3 x 50Mah Sanyo Ni-Cad Cells, 3.6v
  • Programming language: Interactive C
  • Sensors / input devices: 3 x CDS Light, IR Object Sensors, Feeler, Jaw Sensors
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I need links in your

I need links in your postings - links from one robot to another, so I can track which is before and after etc :slight_smile:

Looks like you make some really cool work!!


What kind of links? They go in this order:



Ant V2

Biped Walker

Hexapod (not posted)



Ant V3



Ant V4

NXT Tracked bot

Micro Robotics UAV’s (not posted)

"What kind of links?"Have a

"What kind of links?"

Have a look at … say this … and see at the top in the text how stuff is linked to, making it easier to relate and navigate etc :slight_smile: You are making web for people when entering. Links are making it better :slight_smile:

OH; We are going to make
OH; We are going to make some automated links and stuff, it’s just not ready yet.