A-pod, an ant inspired hexapod

Zenta you are one of the greatest robot builders ever! I hope someday to build something as awesome as the things you make in your spare time! :smiley:

Those pictures are Ad quality! Great pictures! I’d love to see the apod get kitted soon. One of my favorite features of this bot is the spine looking shell on the back.

I just LOVE nature pictures!

Great job Kåre!

Alan KM6VV

Where were those images taken? What a cool place! 8)

Thanks to you all for your positive response! Highly appreciated!

I’m glad you liked the pictures. It was fun to put A-Pod among all the other ants in the forest, lol. He/she looked like the mother of all queen ants. The pictures where taken in two different days, the thre first in a cloudy day and the next in the evening on a clear day (the WB was a bit off).

To be exactly: maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=no&q=4580+Skrelia,+Lyngdal,+Vest-Agder,+Norge&sll=57.444949,7.426758&sspn=16.011395,36.826172&ie=UTF8&cd=1&geocode=FXxKdwMdcGppAA&split=0&hq=&hnear=Skrelia,+Lyngdal,+Vest-Agder,+Norge&ll=58.14933,6.915894&spn=0.122111,0.287704&t=h&z=12

Its just a few meters from my dads house. They live on an old farm far away from other neighbours. :laughing:

When I look at the pictures and the trees with the green moss, I can’t help but think at any moment a horse with a knight is going to gallop by. It looks so mid-evil.

Thats the Norwegian nature where the vikings are from. :laughing:
We do have troll and ogre in the mountains too you know…

great pictures. i meant to post here earlier but got side tracked. great location too.
good to see its not been put on the shelf zenta.
any plans for another video.?

Hi Zenta,
Are you going to use the V2.5 X-Bee’s ?

I look forward to seeing your code setup if so…


I am pretty sure he is updating it to use the DIY remote control stuff that we converted over to use XBees (version 1.0). Since then he has done some more enhancements to his remote. should be fun to see!


I’ve done alot of work lately on the code part for A-Pod. At the moment A-Pod walks very well and the code for movements are improved too. To be honest I’m very satisfied with the result. :smiley: The combination of the mechanical improvements, some hardware changes to the DIY, Xan’s latest v2.0 and Kurt’s XBee/SSC binary code did the magic! I’ve also decreased the total weight of about 85 gram, all servos and electronics are now powered by the same LiPo.

I’m planning to make some vids in the near future. Compared to Phoenix and T-Hex I find A-Pod very hard to control, so I need some training time too. :laughing:

Great news zenta. iv been waiting for this. good to see you getting time with A-Pod. cant wait to see the progress. 8)

I’m glad you are making use of the binary comm mode! Great job! 8)


I’ve finaly got time to make a new A-Pod video:

Let me know what you think… :wink:

Looks great!


Whoa!!! Dude you are the master! I see how you tied the body moves IK into the direction of walking. Very cool! I am totally amazed at what you have accomplished. Very well done indeed!

I loved it. My favorite part was the box and the soda serving.

hi zenta, i was at work when you posted this. i was going to wait till i got home to watch it but i couldnt wait so i managed to download it and convert it to play on my phone using (WAP) cupish dot com.

anyway i was amazed. really well crafted video.
the “hex” family look great working together.

T-hex has certainly got some ground clearance

the 4x speed looks really good with A-Pod.
looks even better now iv watch it on the pc.
all the best.

Thanks to you all for your nice comments, I’m glad you liked it!

Thanks Jim! I’m planning to post a video where I demonstrate all the control functions and how I control it with your awesome DIY remote.

When will A-Pod be a kit! I am dying to get my hands on one!