10 Tips for Getting Started with Robotics | RobotShop Community

@Aashir Iqbal This might help: https://www.robotshop.com/blog/en/how-to-make-a-robot-lesson-3-actuators-2-3703

What do you guys think about udacity robotics courses?

@Tobi Not aware of anyone internally at RobotShop having taken them. Perhaps someone from the community can offer their opinion.

hello, My bachelor degree is Mechanical Engineering. I want to do masters in robotics from Japan but I need to submit the Study of plan in the university. Could you please help me how can i write the study of plan. Even i dont know about Robotics.

@Sagar Gandhi Normally you choose the courses based on which degree you want to follow, the courses offered at the university and which are of interest to you. For example one student might really prefer AI programming, whereas another might prefer actuator design; they can propose which courses are most relevant to them, keeping in mind they must meet the requirements of the degree.

Please can you help suggest any robotics school or university for me that it affordable. I’m in Nigeria and i dont think we have any robotics school.

@Ernest Mantim: You may want to look at online “open courseware” available from larger universities and some other websites. They tend to offer much knowledge for basically free!

Here are some examples (in no particular order) from a quick online search:


If you just want a quick starting point before checking out all of those more advanced courses, have a look at our How To Make A Robot series. It goes over all the basics required for most robotics beginners!