Hi, my name is Seán Tjong! My friends and I are entering a drone competition as part of our school curriculum. We've decided to document our adventures in drone building and racing. We're excited to write and share our project's journal on RobotShop's Blog. We will update you on a regular basis on
We've had the pleasure to read in the October issue of Servo Magazine a glowing review of our Lynxmotion Quadrino Nano. We're sharing some excerpts and images of the article with you today. There is a plethora of flight controllers on the market. Some tout their small size and low cost.
Comment faire un drone/UAV - Leçon 8 : Avion L'utilisation de petits avions sans pilote pour FPV et cartographie autonome est de plus en plus populaire, surtout compte tenu de l'engouement pour les multirotors FPV et de la disponibilité croissante de pièces. Cet…
UPS has entered the drone delivery race. Take a look at their teaser video.
Superbowl 2017 was quite a rollercoaster for fans of both teams and kept viewers at the edge of their seat. The halftime show was really well done and Lady Gaga did a great job. At one point, she was singing and the camera shows lights behind her which were "dancing" in the sky, eventually forming …