This article shows parents how to introduce robotics in a fun, hands-on way that keeps kids engaged.
Nonprofits and charities struggle with limited staffing, heavy administrative tasks, decreasing donor engagement, and more. Here's how robots are stepping in to help.
While students are connecting robots, robotics has a way of connecting communities. From families brought together to cheer on robotics teams to industries becoming more involved in helping students succeed, robotics is more and more becoming a common thread. Learn how the Yakima (WA) …
Summer will be here before we know it! Throughout the STEMosphere, teachers are prepping to host summer camps for learners all over the country. Top of our list for camp activities? The TETRIX PRIME building system! PRIME is an excellent choice for camps, but …
Say hello to the TETRIX Tele-Op Control Module by Pitsco and TETRIX® Robotics. The module connects to a TETRIX PRIZM® Robotics Controller and allows for remote control operation of your robot via Bluetooth. In layman’s terms (yep, this one is for me 😊)…