Bots High, Like Football for Geeks

Posted on 05/01/2011 by carlos-31 in Competitions
At RobotShop, we sometimes wonder where all the robot parts we sell end up, what robots are being made with them and which robots were successful and which were not. The impending release of Bots High, a documentary about a group of high school students who build combat robots to compete in the high school division of BotsIQ (the non-profit version of BattleBots, the former TV show), gives us some clues of where at least some of the parts we sold ended up.
Tyler Bond and FluffyTyler Bond and Fluffy the Robot
The documentary follows a group of students who build impressively complex and advanced robots with the objective of smashing, crushing and completely obliterating other equally complex robots. The matches are certainly fun to watch; sort of like sporting events but much, much geekier. The videos below show the nature of competition and the crazily powerful robots that participate in it. Keep watching for even more robotic destruction:
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