Google To Send Robots to the Moon

Posted on 23/02/2011 by carlos-31 in Competitions
Tags: Moon, X-Prize
As previously discussed, Google (a.k.a. Skynet) is getting involved in the development of very advanced robots. One of their most notorious robotics projects is the Lunar X-Pize competition. See the video below for a global explanation of what the X-Prize Foundation is. The Lunar X-Prize is a race to the moon for private companies. It was first announced in 2007 and is expected to yield a winner (the first private company to send a robot to the moon) by 2015. So far, Google has confirmed that 29 teams, from 17 different countries, are participating in the competition. For more information about the competition, and a cheesy dramatization of how it could happen, see the following video.

Via BBC News

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