Professional Development Platforms Professional development platforms are ideally suited to higher level education and research institutions. Increasingly, educational and research institutions are looking past the hardware to focus solely on robot intelligence. Professional platforms a…
About Lynxmotion Think of the Lynxmotion series of servo brackets as a variety of different modular parts for servos that essentially allows you to build your own custom robot. Lynxmotion is known best for its modular metal brackets that are used to make the frames of a variety of different robo…
Contrairement aux humains, les robots ne sont pas limités aux seuls toucher, vue, ouïe, odorat et goût. Les robots utilisent divers capteurs électromécaniques différents pour explorer et comprendre leur environnement et eux-mêmes. Émuler les se…
La définition que nous avons choisi pour un « robot » nécessite que l'appareil obtiennent des données sur son environnement, prenne une décision, et engage des mesures en conséquence. Cela n'exclut pas la possibilité d'un robot qu…
The Robot Hall of Fame honors the highest accomplishments of robots in science and science fiction. Their first group of robots inducted into the Hall of Fame in November 2003 represents the best of imagined and real robots. The Hall of Fame celebrates landmark scientific achievements as well as ap…