"Scrappy" the 10euro robotic arm

Posted on 16/12/2008 by ndupont
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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As a total moron, I've deleted the previous robot page while trying to clean some attachments   So, let's start again.. Steve the disembodied robotic arm as been a source of inspiration for me I've found tons of nealy free micro servos on ebay..  so I decided to give a try   For more than a week now, I've been working on my excel simulator, and BS2 implementation of my inverse kinematics algorithm,   which is now able to reach a X,Y,Z target using 4 servos   I've just recieved the servos today ...

"Scrappy" the 10euro robotic arm

As a total moron, I've deleted the previous robot page while trying to clean some attachments


So, let's start again..

Steve the disembodied robotic arm as been a source of inspiration for me

I've found tons of nealy free micro servos on ebay..  so I decided to give a try


For more than a week now, I've been working on my excel simulator, and BS2 implementation of my inverse kinematics algorithm,


which is now able to reach a X,Y,Z target using 4 servos


I've just recieved the servos today ;)


So I took some foam board and tie wraps... to make something tangible 


It's alive ! 

despites the fact that "on paper" the really low torque of those servos could lead it to be a total failure 



makes noise

  • Actuators / output devices: SG90 micro servos
  • CPU: Basic Stamp 2
  • Power source: Boe Bot
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