your opinion

Hello guys I was wondering so far I have built an autonomaus robot with wheels and a 3 servo hexapod with sensors so I was wondering if the AH2 Combo Kit for Bot Board/SSC-32/BAP28 and PS2 Controller is a good build for my next robot and will the package come with instructions.

                               Thank you :smiley:  :slight_smile:  :astonished:  :open_mouth:  :confused:  8)  :laughing:

I am personally very fond of the AH2 robot. Itโ€™s large but not overly complex. The construction details are all online.

Itโ€™s a very cool bot!

yes but is it a good build for my third robot

we donโ€™t know what experience you have so we cannot answer that question.
thatโ€™s is entirely up to you!? not even sure if thatโ€™s a proper question. :confused:

the kits come with everything you need to build it. the tutorials are easy to follow.

push the boat outโ€ฆ go on, buy it! :wink:

In my opinion, it is a good build for your third robot. :wink: