Yet another newbie's try

UPDATE: He's back, and better than ever... the amazing Nick! * the crowd goes wild* I know, I've not been aktive on LMR for a while, had a lot of school-work and stuff, so I had no time. Well anyway, I've moved my robot onto a diffrent chaissis, (the other one broke) and added the servo and Srf005. I'm all done with building, but well, you know.... programing isn't my thing. But I'm giving it my all, and i should be done in... *he types something into a calculator* 17 Years!

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I will post a vid as soon as I get the thing moving.

Update: I am know in a super mood, because i finally found and fixed my problem.It turned out to be a stupid little soldering mistake. But know I have proggramed my robot to go fowards 3000 and then back 3000. SO far so good :). (Will post vid soon)

Update: I have hooked up my two motors and soldered them up to A & B. I have also glued the Castor. But somehow the turning isnt totaly in check, one wheel seemsnot to turn.

Yet another newbies try, this is my first robot!!! At the moment its not much, but you just wait, one day it will rule the world!

so far i have:

A CD plastic hull

2 cool motors (with wheels)

a switch, a batterie and a lot of wires.(If need be, up to 15m)

I have for my "third wheel" a exelent castor, from some kind of thing

I have my super-di-duper PICAXE 28X1, witch i have already used for a super cool blinky LED proggram

and I have a robotic servo(modified for contin. rotations), and mounted atop is.... My SRF005.

Navigate around with an srf05 (as soon as i get the code right)

  • Actuators / output devices: two geared motors, 1 Servo (also not yet)
  • Control method: autonomous (not yet)
  • CPU: Picaxe 28x1
  • Power source: 9V (with 5V regulator)
  • Programming language: Picaxe basic
  • Sensors / input devices: SRF05 Ultra Sound (not yet)
  • Target environment: indoor, or on flat surfaces outside

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

looks like some nice

looks like some nice components to start with…start building!


Yeah it looks like you’ve
Yeah it looks like you’ve got a great chassis and some perfect parts. I’m really looking forward to seeing the finished product!


Nice chassis,

Umm… Pergo floor? --Yup, I’m a flooring snob…

To be completly honest… I

To be completly honest… I dont know! :stuck_out_tongue: /Nick

There must be photos of my floors all over the place and you never commented. I’m hurt.

Proggraming under way!Just

Proggraming under way!

Just one problem, when i dont uplaod a code at all, just connect the picaxe to power, one of the motors turns.

It turns sloly baxkwards, and the only way i can stop it is if i type: high 6, low 7.

If i type low 6 high 7 , it just turns at normal speed backwards. but i cant make it go forward.

Plus the L293D starts heating up like crazy, and it smells like something is beeing burnt? :frowning: any ideas?

A short in your circuit? It
A short in your circuit? It would be interesting to see your code and a pic of the circuit. It sounds like you may have a short… Are your motor connections touching anythign OTHER than the holes you soldered them to? Wipe the code from the PIC (transfer a blank screen by deleting code from the editor and pressing F5). Does it still move the motor backward?

Great!Now nothing works!I


Now nothing works!

I plug it in, and try to downlaod, and its says its not connected!

But the motors dont turn any more.

And the L293D still gets hot. :frowning: I’d hate to have broken my picaxe already.

I’d recommend putting
I’d recommend putting stabilizing capacitors with that regulator, like the datasheets recommend for a 7805.


are you literally typing:

low 6, high 7

or are you typing

low 6: high 7

? (the latter is what you should type)

Also, the motor driver is supposed to get a little hot, but if you could smell it and now no motors work, i bet you fried it.

Try this: remove the motor driver, connect a motor to an output pin (use the darlington driver) and ground. Does it work?


I can’t really tell from the picture, but it looks like your voltage regulator might not be connected properly.

Your voltage regulator isnt
Your voltage regulator isnt hooked up correctly. Both grounds (black wires) should be connected to the middle pin on the regulator NOT the left or right pin. This means you likely fried your board, picaxe, and/or the motor driver. DON’T reconnect the battery until this is fixed.

I know, The voltage reg is

I know, The voltage reg is wrong, but i fixed that up berfore connecting a batterie,

So i dont know whats wrong.

My code:

low 4
high 5
high 6
low 7
pause 3000
goto main

I hate it when stuff doesnt work :frowning:

looking good
good to see this project is still alive