Yellow Drum Machine II

What does the turning RADAR thing do?

I was just curious. What does the little rotating RADAR thing do if anything other then look cool? I noticed it in the video the first time I saw the YDMII.

If its worth doing, its worth OVER doing!

It is a tea-thingey… Half
It is a tea-thingey… Half of one. It has a speaker in it, emitting the sounds from the microcontroller, which is clicks to the beat, and beep-sounds :slight_smile: And then it twists around emitting the sounds in good directions… no point really, just handsome :slight_smile:


Those things are everywhere! They are soo cool, I have to build one!!!


very nice design, good work

he is a little guy… :stuck_out_tongue:
Those are so freaking cool. One day I will make a version of one. :smiley:


oh my god

how not to be inspired by this creature?

i am tempted to produce another my ydm from scratch … but i will not do it because it will become only an empty clone…

glory to the God of the YDM


i am only worry because i do not see tech details about the brain of the beast…

it would be apreciated a block diagram wich make me undestrand how it korks

also i have no idea how to sample and play sound with a Picaxe…


finally this robot remanin , for any aspects, a mistery for me…


THIS was the robot that
THIS was the robot that brought my attention to this site so long ago, and what urged me to eventually become a member of this fine community. It is truly an inspiration. GREAT WORK FRITSL! Long live YDM and YDM II, wherever they are! May we see many YDM variants in the future…

Hallo Frits,I would just

Hallo Frits,

I would just like to say one thing: I have seen your robot. You are genius.

I want one
I’d like to purchase one. I understand you’d have to build it, and would like a quote. Please email me at [email protected]

some day

This is a great bot and I hope as an amature that some day I can possibly build something as memorble as this. thank you for being an inspiration to all of us.


Great bot

Hi Fritsl,

Very, very nice and funny robot, I love it :)  I am a drummer beside being a robot builder, so this talks to me definitely :slight_smile:


I love it !it’s great, it’s

I love it !

it’s great, it’s a best robot ever !

robot for the pleasure

robot for the art


 i want more video, more music, more fun !!!

contact me for the complete kit : [email protected]

The kit can be purchased here:

The kit can be purchased here:

Think that robot Is amazing
Think that robot Is amazing