
Hellow there LMR i geus i haven't made any robot if i hadn't found this webpage ;)

so here i am with my first robot. its a pretty basic idea, but for me ofcource its special because its my first robot.

so when i found this webpage the first thing i did was ordering some stuff to start with. i ordered some wheels some motors an arduino and lots of other electronics.. now when they arived i had no body to put the wheels on. so i found this piece of carton and i wrapped Yellow tape on it (There is my Robots name from) to make it less flexible. then i began wiring things and testing and every step i toke got me closer to this robot

now finaly after about 40 trys (including the ones when batterys were empty when i didn't noticed) my robot can turn to right and left, move back and forward combined with a IR sharp distance sensor and a servo LMR got itself an other object avoiding robot.

thanks for all help on forum to achive this and ill try to make another robot in the future.


Object Avoiding Robot

  • Actuators / output devices: one servo
  • CPU: arduino uno
  • Power source: 2x9V
  • Sensors / input devices: SHARP IR sensor 80cm
  • Target environment: indoor, flat surfaces

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at


good job nickn4 :slight_smile:

super LMAO @ 40 trys (including the ones when batterys were empty when i didn’t noticed). I am waiting for my kit to get to me but i kind of saw myself going through that and it is kind of nice to see that i am not the only person who will struggle :stuck_out_tongue:

I am really clueless in this electronics stuff but i am trying to learn. Just out of curiosity why do you have soo many wires?

its not that much wires…

well there are not many wires, its just that there are around 30 wires on a small space looks like there’re hundrets of them.

caz my h-bridge chip (for control at my motors) needs 18 wires.

than my serve and Sharp ir sensor needs both 3 wires each so put that many wires on a small space and it looks alot!

then if u struggle to achive your objective, you could also look at it like it is improving your own skills. not just the robot is improving

while u work at it also your mind. so keep that in mind and like what u do! hold on and it will be a real robot someday :wink:



Nice job working through

Nice job working through your first robot. It sounds like you have learned a lot from the experience.

Now that you have learned some valuable knowledge, one way to achieve a cleaner robot is to use a shield on top of your Arduino. I can strongly recommend Ro-Bot-X’s Robot Builder’s Shield. You will be amazed at how much nicer your robot looks with all those wires eliminated!

You can find info about Ro-Bot-X’s boards by searching this site, or go to


yah im pretty happy to see

yah im pretty happy to see my wires do their job correctly as i told them.

but now i’ve finished i dont know what to make this time because all the ideas i got are a riding robot agian, isn;t there something uniqe what i can learn from??

and about that RobotX’s Robo builder shield:

yes i see it looks nice when it is fully assambled, but…

i dont think i can make it connected without glitches, because as i see it looks like i’ve to connect everything myself on the board,

or am i wrong on this one?

anyway i hope you can give me some tips on my next project (something wich isn;t too hard, but maybe it needs to be hard to make so i can develope my skills, so ill just hope u can give me some insperation)


thnxx alot
