Well I am not sure I understand the phrase 'time to build' but that would be the time it took me to cut the parts and mount the motors, getting it to work was much much longer.. I learned alot and anyone that wants to take on this project will hopefully read through this and pick up some important tips.. Well a few quick tips, you don't need to spend tons of money I have built 4 of these now with different motors and probably the best balancer was a really small one with solarbotics motors(5.00/ea) and a homemade motor controller.. The only thing you need that is expensive is a IMU, I have tried a couple so my findings are a 75 degree/s gyro and a 1.5g accelerometer... I am sure you could get others to work(I tried a 150 degree/s gyro successfully) but the most important would be the gyro.. Anyway 2 another things that always comes up in conversation when talking about balancing robots are 'zero backlash' motors and the infamous 'kalman filter'.. Ok for the wheels yes it would be great but you can get almost anything to balance so it depends on your application, and pretty much the exact same thing for the kalman filter, the robot in this post is using a simple complimentary filter as you can see by the code below.. One last tip when starting out is to try and find very soft tires as these will increase the friction which will make a HUGE difference when trying to get it to balance.. Most people tell you to start on carpet which is also a HUGE help.. But seriously soft rubber tires that can be deflated would be best.. I think that is about it so I am sharing the code below for use with an Arduino microcontroller.. If you have any questions please feel free to ask..
This code is not completely cleaned up, my appologies..
**Code for Arduino**
//**********************Setup Variables for the IR Sensor*********************
int IRpin = 5;
unsigned long IRDT = 0;
int ledpin = 13;
float distance = 0.00;
//**********************Setup Variables for Gyro and Accel********************
int readings[NUMREADINGS]; // the readings from the analog input
int index = 0; // the index of the current reading
int total = 0; // the running total
double average = 0.00; // the average
int rVal = 0;
int refPin = 1;
int rPin = 0;
int yPin = 2;
//********************Setup other Balancing Variables**************************
double vTorque = 0.0;
int m1Dir1 = 8;
int m1Dir2 = 9;
int m1PWM = 11;
int m2Dir1 = 7;
int m2Dir2 = 6;
int m2PWM = 10;
double vAngle = 0.0;
double vHighPass = 0.0;
double vLowPass = 0.0;
double vSetpoint = 4.00;
double vRate = 0.0;
double last_angle = 0.0;
double Pterm = 0.0;
double Iterm = 0.0;
double Istate = 0.0;
double Dterm = 0.0;
double Pgain = 1.9;
double Igain = 0.12;
double Dgain = 2.7;
int mydt = 5;
unsigned long last_PID = 0;
unsigned long lastread = 0;
double vYaxis = 0.00;
//***********************Variables for driving*********************************
#define encoder0PinA 3
#define encoder0PinB 4
int vrDist = 0;
int vlDist = 0;
int last_vrDist = 0;
int last_vlDist = 0;
int vrencodeb = 0;
double vrSpeed = 0;
double last_vrSpeed = 0;
int vlSpeed = 0;
int vTurn = 0;
int vTurnR = 0;
int vTurnL = 0;
int vDrive = 0;
int vAdjust = 0;
int vBalAdjust = 0;
int vrDirection = 0;
int last_vrDirection = 0;
int myBaldt = 50;
unsigned long lastBalupdate = 0;
double sPterm = 0.0;
double sIterm = 0.0;
double sIstate = 0.0;
double sDterm = 0.0;
double sPgain = 3.5;
double sIgain = 1.0;
double sDgain = 4.5;
double vrTarget_Speed = 0;
void setup()
Serial.begin(9600); // initialize serial communication with computer
//Setup Motor pins*******************
//*Calibrate balance point************
for (int a = 0; a < 20; a ++)
readings[a] = analogRead(yPin); // read from the sensor
if (a != 5)
total += readings[a]; // add the reading to the total
pinMode(encoder0PinA, INPUT);
pinMode(encoder0PinB, INPUT);
digitalWrite(encoder0PinA, HIGH); // turn on pullup resistor
digitalWrite(encoder0PinB, HIGH);
attachInterrupt(1, rencoder, FALLING);
rVal = analogRead(refPin);
average = analogRead(yPin); // calculate the average
vSetpoint = average - rVal;
void loop()
//**********************Main Code loop*******************************************
Complimentaryfilter(); //run complimentary filter function
Calculate_Torque(); //run torque calculations through PID
//*****************End Main Code Loop********************************************
//********************Setup PID loop to determine torque*************************
void Calculate_Torque()
if((millis()-last_PID) >= mydt) // sample every dt ms -> 1000/dt hz.
last_PID = millis();
Pterm = vAngle * Pgain;
Istate = (Istate + vAngle);
Iterm = Istate * Igain;
Dterm = (vAngle - last_angle) * Dgain;
vTorque = Pterm + Dterm + Iterm;
last_angle = vAngle;
vTorque = constrain(vTorque,-255,255);
Drive_Motor(vTorque); //Send torque to motor drive code
//*************End Setup PID Loop************************************************
//*********************Drive Motors**********************************************
int Drive_Motor(int vTorque)
if (vTorque >= 0) //indicates drive motors forward
if (vTurn >= 0) //indicates turn to the right
vTurnR = vTorque + vTurn;
vTurnL = vTorque - vTurn;
digitalWrite(m1Dir1, LOW); //Signals H-Bridge to move power forward
digitalWrite(m1Dir2, HIGH);
if (vTurnL < 0)
digitalWrite(m2Dir1, HIGH); //Signals H-Bridge to move power forward
digitalWrite(m2Dir2, LOW);
digitalWrite(m2Dir1, LOW); //Signals H-Bridge to move power forward
digitalWrite(m2Dir2, HIGH);
vTurnL = abs(vTurnL);
vTurnR = abs(vTurnR);
if (vTurn < 0) //indicates turn to the left
vTurnR = vTorque + vTurn;
vTurnL = vTorque - vTurn;
digitalWrite(m1Dir1, LOW); //Signals H-Bridge to move power forward
digitalWrite(m1Dir2, HIGH);
if (vTurnL < 0)
digitalWrite(m2Dir1, HIGH); //Signals H-Bridge to move power forward
digitalWrite(m2Dir2, LOW);
digitalWrite(m2Dir1, LOW); //Signals H-Bridge to move power forward
digitalWrite(m2Dir2, HIGH);
vTurnR = abs(vTurnR);
vTurnL = abs(vTurnL);
else if (vTorque < 0)
vTorque = abs(vTorque);
if (vTurn >= 0) //indicates turn to the right
vTurnR = vTorque - vTurn;
vTurnL = vTorque + vTurn;
digitalWrite(m2Dir1, HIGH); //Signals H-Bridge to move power forward
digitalWrite(m2Dir2, LOW);
if (vTurnR < 0)
digitalWrite(m1Dir1, LOW); //Signals H-Bridge to move power forward
digitalWrite(m1Dir2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(m1Dir1, HIGH); //Signals H-Bridge to move power forward
digitalWrite(m1Dir2, LOW);
vTurnL = abs(vTurnL);
vTurnR = abs(vTurnR);
if (vTurn < 0) //indicates turn to the left
vTurnR = vTorque - vTurn;
vTurnL = vTorque + vTurn;
digitalWrite(m2Dir1, HIGH); //Signals H-Bridge to move power forward
digitalWrite(m2Dir2, LOW);
if (vTurnR < 0)
digitalWrite(m1Dir1, LOW); //Signals H-Bridge to move power forward
digitalWrite(m1Dir2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(m1Dir1, HIGH); //Signals H-Bridge to move power forward
digitalWrite(m1Dir2, LOW);
vTurnR = abs(vTurnR);
vTurnL = abs(vTurnL);
//******** End of Motor Drive Function*******************************************
//**************************Complimentary Filtering*************************************
void Complimentaryfilter()
if((millis()-lastread) >= mydt) // sample every dt ms -> 1000/dt hz.
lastread = millis();
rVal = analogRead(refPin);
vRate = (analogRead(rPin))- (rVal + 14.00); // read from the gyro sensor
vYaxis = (analogRead(yPin))-(rVal - vSetpoint);
//Calculate angle
vAngle += vRate * 0.1;
vHighPass = 0.97 * vAngle;
vLowPass = 0.03 * vYaxis;
vAngle = vHighPass + vLowPass;
//*******************End Kalman Filtering********************************
//********************Calculate encoder************************************
void rencoder()
if (digitalRead(encoder0PinB) == HIGH) vrDist ++;
if (digitalRead(encoder0PinB) == LOW) vrDist --;
//********************Calculate speed**************************************
void Calculate_Speed()
if((millis()-lastBalupdate) >= myBaldt)
lastBalupdate = millis();
vrSpeed = vrDist - last_vrDist;
vrSpeed = (vrSpeed / myBaldt);
vrSpeed = vrSpeed * 15.5;
last_vrDist = 0;
vrDist = 0;
sPterm = vrSpeed * sPgain;
sIstate = (sIstate + vrSpeed);
sIterm = sIstate * sIgain;
sDterm = (vrSpeed - last_vrSpeed) * sDgain;
last_vrSpeed = vrSpeed;
vrSpeed = 0.0;
vrSpeed = sPterm + sDterm;
vrSpeed = map(vrSpeed,-400,400,-30,30);
if (distance < 50.0){
vrTarget_Speed = 5;
digitalWrite(ledpin, HIGH);
vrTarget_Speed = 0;
digitalWrite(ledpin, LOW);
vrSpeed = vrSpeed + vrTarget_Speed;
vAngle = vAngle - vrSpeed;
//********************Read IR**********************************************
void Read_IR()
if((millis()-IRDT) >= 100)
IRDT = millis();
float volts = analogRead(IRpin)*0.0048828125; // value from sensor * (5/1024) - if running 3.3.volts then change 5 to 3.3
distance = 65*pow(volts, -1.10);
Balances on 2 wheels, r/c controlled
- Control method: IR
- CPU: Arduino Decimila
- Power source: 12v 16 amp/h
- Sensors / input devices: accelerometer, gyro
- Target environment: indoors mainly
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/ybot-balancing-arduino-robot