YAQ - Yet Another Quadrupedal

YAQ - Yet Another Quadrupedal - is a four legged walking robot. This project demonstrates utilization of various crawling gaits to achieve synchronized movement of the robot. Each of the tested gaits is statically balanced, the dynamically balanced gaits are outside the possibilities of this project. The mechanical construction uses 3 mm plywood and budget 9 gram servos. One compact PCB accommodates complete electronics, which consists of micro-controller Atmel Mega168, custom made servo shield based on two Johnson decade counters, IR receiver and two independent power sources. The complete documentation including videos is on the project home page.

The source files and full documentation including video sequences is posted [Code Project]

Project demonstrates various statically balanced gaits of a quadpod.

  • Actuators / output devices: 12 TowerPro 9g servos
  • Control method: IR (Mitsubishi Sat Protocol)
  • CPU: Atmel Mega168
  • Operating system: none
  • Power source: 7, 2V LiPol
  • Programming language: C
  • Sensors / input devices: IR (OS1838)
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/yaq-yet-another-quadrupedal-1

Martin, thank to share

Martin, thank to share it.

Good work and good documentation.

Is it possible to see the scheme circuits?

Martin, thank to share

Martin, thank to share it.

Good work and good documentation.

Is it possible to see the scheme circuits?

The schema is inside the PDF

The schema is inside the PDF file posted on the home page. I uploaded an extra copy of the circuit here

Thanks and documentation found

Hi mame,

Congratulations for your robot! Also for some smart design solutions like the integrated PCB for control and servos shield.

Tsac, you can find the schematics and all documentation here:


All the documentation is here: https://code.google.com/p/avr-quadpod/

Thanks franciscodr

Thanks franciscodr



This is very cool! You are
This is very cool! You are obviously very well-skilled at building robots.

It doesn’t seem like it cost to much to take on either. Thank you for sharing it with us, and hope you will build more.


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Nice little walker with a

Nice little walker with a pretty good walking. Thanks for sharing.