Xbee not receving data on DFrobot mega sensor shield

Hi all, Im hoping to get some help on wireless communication. I basically just want to do a simple transparent communication on AT mode. Ive ensured that both Xbees were on the same PAN IDs and ive double checked their address to be correct. That was pretty much what i changed on the setups of the Xbees.

Coordinator AT
Xbee Series 2 on a USB sparkfun explorer, connected to computer

Router AT
Xbee Series 2 on a DFrobot Mega Sensor shield V2.4 connected on top of an Arduino Mega R3. I believed ive placed the Xbee S2 on the serial1 location

Problem: On the XCTU terminal, whenever i type 1. “1” is printed twice like this “11” on the terminal. same for any other characters “22”, “33” etc. Nothing comes on the receiving end at the arduino. The green light ( Assoc2) light on the sensor shield is blinking when its being plugged into power( i believe this is good).
Anyone had this problem before or could spot the silly mistakes im making? Its really frustrating me and halting any progress i was hoping to make on my wireless robot project. Would appreciate any help. Thanks in advance.

[code]int incomingData = 0;
int const ledpin = 13;

void setup(){
// Start up our serial port, we configured our XBEE devices for 9600 bps.
pinMode(ledpin, OUTPUT);

void loop()
if(Serial1.available() > 0)
digitalWrite(ledpin, HIGH);
incomingData = Serial1.read();

if(incomingData == ‘1’)
digitalWrite(ledpin, HIGH);

else if(incomingData == ‘2’)
digitalWrite(ledpin, LOW);

Unfortunately troubleshooting custom setups is a bit beyond our support, however as the issue may relate to the XBee module or related code, perhaps search and if necessary post on the XBee forum. Alternatively, perhaps someone from the community will be able to offer some insight.

Hope this helps,