Xbee help for rover communications

Hello, for some reason my xbee communication stopped. I dont know how to figure out which part of the puzzle is the problem. I loaded the wasd file and go to the hyperterminal and it does not work. It did last week. If I plug the usb directly into the robot it works with wasd. I tried testing the xbee’s with xctu and it looks like they are working. I ran the test query on pc settings and it checks ok.

Is there another test that I can do?

Any help would be appreciated.


The count up code works. I swapped the xbees to check the possibility of one of the TX circuits being nocked out but both worked fine.

I tried checking the settings again but it was no good. I ran the WASD code again and the same results. Works with the USB connected and with the xbee it doesn’t. When I hit a button on the keyboard the dongle RX LED flashes.

Here is the count up code I tried.

void setup(void)
void loop(void){
for (int i=0;i<10000;i++)
sendValue (i);
void sendValue ( int i){

Thanks for the help. I did change the jumper on the shield to allow for loading with the shield on. I didn’t realize that it inhibited serial communication from being read by the rover.

Thanks for the help. This is my first arduino project.

I am using your tank platform for an autonomous security robot for my senior project in college.


I will definitely load some pics and video when I get it done. I have one more semester to go for development. The circuits are mostly worked out. The hardest part will be coding it. I am a novice programmer so it will not be that easy for me. Luckily the arduino has been around for a while and has been well tested with alot of the same components I will be using.

]Check the configuration of the XBee modules (if you are using Hyperterminal, ensure you use the right baud rate, bits and Xon / Xoff)./:m]
]Double check the baud rate in the program you uploaded to the rover./:m]
]If these fail, load a simple program on the rover and have it transmit an increasing series of numbers (then repeat), and check to see what the XBee connected to the computer receives via the serial terminal in Arduino (again, ensure the baud rate is set correctly in the window). If it looks like jibberish, it’s likely the settings. If it does not receive anything - keep investigating and report your progress here./:m]

Hmm. So the simple code works; the Rover transmits and you are able to get the numbers (correctly) via the XBee connected to the computer. However, you can’t do the opposite? Can you check the jumper settings on the XBee shield? Its easiest to refer to the manual to know the correct settings. Next, try to have the Rover reply when it receives a command. “hi”… “hello”. If this works, then there’s a glitch with the code somewhere, or the battery is dead.

We’d love to see some videos / images if you’d upload them here.