Xbee and myrobots.com connection problem


I’ve purchased rover xbee kit and myrobots.com connection kit. I want to know how to connect the rover via Xbee and myrobots.com? And I’m wondering what is myrobots.com and how it work? Does it allow us to control the robot with the internet?

Thank you1


I’ve just finished Installation. Also, I have been trying to make Xbee to work. The robot works fine with arduino software via serial port. I have been trying to pair the Xbee’s without much success. I can see that the Xbee attached to laptop running on Hyperterminal is blinking green when I press the “W” key, but I get a Immediately power shut down from the other Xbee attached to the DFRobot rover PCB. Is there possibly an issue with pairing with the Xbee or is the DFRobot rover problem? I have them set to the Xbee side. I am pretty sure I have read all the instructions on the manual.

Enclosed is a video as a reference.[video=youtube_share;cVtBO1qdWE0]http://youtu.be/cVtBO1qdWE0

Please reply me as soon as possible. Any help would be kindly appreciated.

Hello! Casmat,

Thank your suggestion after I plugged in a wall adapter and try to test my robot. It still doesn’t work. however, at this time it doesn’t shut down. I’m sure anything is OK. Or maybe it’s the PCB problem. Can you look at the picture that attached? does my solder ok?


Thank you!

The problem you show seems to be related to the power supply. It seems your robot looses power when the motors are activated. Please make sure you use fully charged batteries or an external power source.

As for MyRobots.com, it is a social network for robots that allows you to communicate to and from your robots via the internet. You can use the sample code available in the MyRobots Wiki: myrobots.com/wiki/Compatible_Hardware

You can also use the MyRobots Connect in order to remove the need of using a computer for handling communication: robotshop.com/ProductInfo.aspx?pc=RB-Myr-01