WTC - Wild Thumper Controller - Calibratting VR1 and VR2

Hi, I'm working on a HTTP controlled robot ( ), but I have a question about Wild Thumper Controller.

Lets say, for example, I don't want use "current sensor", and i simply set up Leftmaxamps and Rightmaxamps to a number that motors never reach or strip out the protection code from my project. May the position of VR1 and VR2 clog or put down the performance or de current delivery?


Just remove it.

Yes, you can simply remove the current monitoring stuff from the code and well, it won’t be excecuted. I have to ask why though…

You have a wild thumper chassis there, complete with 6 high-current motors. I can’t see any reason to remove this safety feature.

Is it just the fact that you don’t want to bother with the calibration stuff?

Thanks guys.What about VR1

Thanks guys.

What about VR1 and VR2 calibration, let’s say I removed the protection code, If VR1 and VR2 are miscalibration, that will affect the robot performance?

Or VR1 and VR2 are used only to measure(not to deliver) current?


Just asking, I don’t really want remove the protection, just curious about these tunners and how it affect the system.