Wireless Setup for WiPort

After hearing of my first Wiport-frying adventure, a sales rep from Lantronix very generously sent me a replacement WiPort!
This time, I’ve got experience and Jim’s spectacular tutorial on my side, so I’ve got high hopes.

I’ve run into a bit of glitch and thought it best to check before I went on:

I’m at step 13 of the tutorial:

I’ve opened my properties box to find that those numbers which I am supposed to write down are not there and that the “automatic” radio buttons are already selected.
I probably did this during the setup of the original WiPort, but I don’t believe that I wrote the numbers down anywhere.

Is there someplace that I can look to recover them, or some way to assign new ones?



If you are talking about the DNS and IP addresses then yes you can.

I am guessing you are running on Windows XP or a version of windows that has the ipconfig command.

Go to Start -> Run -> Type in “cmd” without the quotes and press [OK] -> In the command box type the following without the quotes: “ipconfig -all” and press enter. -> Scroll down and there will be the two addresses.

When you scroll down, make sure you copy the values from the internet connection you are going to be using for the wifi card. If you have multiple internet connections there will be several different sets of IP addresses. You are ok a 56k dialup so I don’t think you should have more than one.

If that does not work, then go to Internet Connections and double click on the internet connection you are using then click on the support tab and press the details button.

:slight_smile: Enjoy

Hm, in Step 13 it’s referring to your network settings. I believe the only time you need to worry about writing down the numbers is when you have to have specific numbers entered in to connect to your network / the internet from that computer.

Assuming your home network is usually set to “Obtain Automatically,” then I think it should work if in Step 18 you choose “Obtain Automatically” for the WiPort setup.

That is, if you don’t want to bother with trying to find the IP addresses.

Now, keep in mind that if you can’t connect to the WiPort by using the automatic options you can’t yell at me too much. I haven’t messed with the WiPort and I know only a smattering of networking. :laughing:

If the wiport works by you giving it the IP address, subnet and gateway in order for it to connect to it then he will need the IP addresses I think. Since in step 18 theres an automatic button then I guess he doesn’t need the IP addresses. But its still helpful to know your own IP address, subnet and gateway.

Try automatic for now, if it doesnt work then fish out your IP addresses and try that. I think automatically is best because ISPs sometimes change the IP address you need to connect to internet without telling you. It would be stressful of not having a working wiport because your ISP didnt tell you something.

Thanks, guys!
I realise that it probably wasn’t necessary to have, but I thought it best not to cut corners and follow the tutorial word-for-word.
That way, I get to blame it on Beth and James when it doesn’t work.


Sure thing :stuck_out_tongue:. You can’t blame them if you messed up somehow without knowing. :laughing:

Nope. I said you can’t yell at me, so I’m immune from blame if it doesn’t work. :smiley:

Besides, if it doesn’t, I believe you can just go back in and put the IP info in later. Probably. :laughing:

mmhmmm, beth does have a point. Guess you can only blame James :stuck_out_tongue: Well, if you know you have the correct IP addresses, then I guess its ok to enter them in manually. However, I would suggest that you use automatically incase you change your internet source. e.g. Use it in college, or upgrade from a 56k >_>

Hi guys!
Has anyone of you already used the Comport-Redirector: CPR-Manager Version ?
I’m using Borland C++6 and this Serial-Class to make my robot working. I tried this via an USB-to-serial with the SSC32 - fine.
I also tried to communicate via the terminal in the CPR-Manager - fine.

But I can’t open the COM-ports of my WiPort in the C++ prog :frowning:
Is it a problem of the CPR4? Would it work with the CPR3?
When I installed the CPR3 long ago, I had some trouble with the blue windows screen :wink: so I don’t want to use it any more…

it is really important that the settings in the redirector for baudrate, format, and handshake are the exact same as what your program is trying to open.