This is version 1 of my hexapod robot project. Version 2 is now in development.
I started this project March 9, 2010. Most of my time has been spent writing the simulation software - a 3D model of the robot that I used to perfect the inverse kinematics. In the early versions the PC did all the kinematics and then told the robot (via serial link) where to move the servos. Once the simulation was good enough I moved all the kinematics code to the robot. Now all a controller needs to do is say "move this way" and the robot goes. I used the cheapest servos I could get and so I'm not certain it could support much more weight. I'm also unsatisfied with the plastic parts. Your mileage may vary.
The code for the IK will NOT fit on a duemilanova arduino. They don't have enough ram.
Instructions & Plans
Full assembly instructions and source are provided at the link.
All the code and DXF files for parts can be downloaded from if you want to run the simulator or cut your own parts and try to assemble it yourself.
Walk on six fully articulated legs
Actuators / output devices: 18 towerpro servos
Control method: Bluetooth serial messages formatted by PC. Could just as easily be a cell phone.
Hi, do you think that the bot could work with an a arduino mega? Where is the pde file for the bot? I could not find it… I am curious about the code and the IK ! Looks like a really interesting project! Federico
The plastic bends and the servo resolution is low - the servoboard only gives 256 positions while the servo can accept upt to 1024.
I do not know which is the cause of the shaking. If I did I would have fixed it already. I’m designing a new robot now that should eliminate the jitter.