Hello All. I have an engine test cell / dyno that I operate the throttle control with a wiper servo. I set it all up and use a robot power simple H bridge. It works OK. But recently it the H bridge went to ground. I think we left the power on all day and stuffed one of the power transistors!
Anyway, I thoygh I could give making my own H bridge a try. So I stumbled onto Krills circuit with the coparitor and trim pot, it looks good. I built it and tried to make it work which It wont. Its very jerky and not smooth and all. ALthough it does respond slwoly to the slide pot direction .
If anyone could offer me some advice I'd be ever so gratefull. perhaps its just my poor interpretation of the arrangment.
you can see more of it here: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=27DECE4378DD4BC0!405&authkey=!ACUIsMJcRB_0s5E&ithint=folder%2cjpg
Thanks in advance. Im stuck!