Has anybody attempted building an 18dof Hexapod with H-bridges and wiper motors? Just playing around with my ssc-u and arduino mega and I wiper motor using an arduino IBT-2 h bridge worked pretty good. I’ll need to collect 17 more wiper motors and 15 more h bridges… should be pretty strong.
I figure it will be the size of a go kart when I’m all done.
Hi @Armenvegas !
I used to work in wiper motor production factory so this sounds interesting to me
I guess you are using standard wiper motor type (although there are also “smart” ones with electronics, LIN communication etc.)?
Looking forward to see it working
Thanks I was going to use just standard wipers. Here is a general idea of the wiring of each wiper/h-bridge/servo.
I’ll need upscaled wiper mounts for each joint but that should be doable.
Do you know where i could buy like 2 dozen for a good price?
To buy really cheap ones, you should probably go to local car scrapyards. Otherwise ebay I think.
Hello and thank you for showing interest in my our project. Here’s progress, not much but I havent given up.
Thank you for sharing! It really looks massive!
And hello to your little dog friend
Ok so I’ve been waiting for h-bridges to arrive and been taking apart servos to hopefully mount the potentiometers directly to the windshield wiper motor shafts and … and realized I need some more servos.
I dont want to destroy my new hitech servos.
So meanwhile here’s my progress report. Lol
Wow! Indeed you have a massive hexapod! Matt Denton would be proud!
Wow that’s a compliment to be even considered in his league. That’s the best hexapod on this planet.
Thank you