I might be picking up an APOD kit, I was wondering if I have to use bot board II as the PS2 controller V2 is sold out. Would it work with PS2 V3 and Boarduino
I might be picking up an APOD kit, I was wondering if I have to use bot board II as the PS2 controller V2 is sold out. Would it work with PS2 V3 and Boarduino
Yes and no. The complete code to get the A-Pod working with all of its functionality (mandibles, head, tail) was created in Basic. Unfortunately we have not had the time to port this all over to Arduino.
Therefore we have not created an A-Pod kit using the BotBoarduino at this time.
The code which is available for the BotBoarduino (using PS2) is the same as the Phoenix; this is very versatile, and allows for the same leg motion as you see in the A-Pod video, though it does not control the mandibles, head or tail.
You would follow the wiring guide for the Phoenix.
FYI Benson,
I have opted to do an A-Pod using BotBoarduino. I am documenting everything and have posted a build log. I ran into a lot of roadblocks that I resolved by researching through the forums. I hope to bring together things I learned into a single point of contact for people new to the platform.