Wild thumper 4wd chassis powered by ROS (Robot Operating System)
- Indoor Navigation with SLAM
- Outdoor Navigation with GPS
- Following target
- Cleaning (future)
- Fetching things (with manipulator, future)
- (...)
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/wild-thumper-based-ros-robot
Well done! Great obstacle avoidance too (poles are quite hard to detect with more “normal” sensors like IR / ultrasonic). Did you integrate the output from the IMU with the GPS and use a filter? Adding a magnetic compass might help significantly too, and at that point you basically have the workings of a flight controller: https://www.robotshop.com/en/magnetic-sensors-compass.html
Thanks, the IMU actually uses the Bosch BNO055 sensor and contains a magnetometer. The odometry, IMU and GPS data is fused with an extended Kalman filter. Software used for the sensor fusion is implemented by the robot_localization ROS node.