Wild Thumper 6WD 75:1

Hej Jag är ny ledamot från Sverige här och jag är intresserad av att köpa WildThunper 6WD 75: 1. Jag har sett att det finns två olika versioner av denna 6 hjul robot en med 34: 1 och en med 75: 1. Nu undrar jag om motorerna är borstlösa eller borstade och är det mer kraft i 75: 1 version än den är i 34:? 1 version Jag undrar också vilken typ av controlboard jag kan använda till Wild Thumper & WD och kan jag hitta det i denna butik, fungerar T-Rex styrkort till Wild Thumper 6WD och finns det några fler reservdelar till 6WD roboten än bara hjulen och motorer?

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Hello I am new member from Sweden here and I’m interested in buying Wild Thumper 6WD 75: 1. I have seen that there are two different versions of this 6 wheeled robot with a 34: 1 and 75: 1 Now I wonder if the motors are brushless or brushed, and it is more power in the 75: 1 than the version is 34 :confused: 1 version I also wonder what kind of Control Board I can use to Wild Thumper & WD, and I can find it in this shop, work T-Rex scorecard to Wild Thumper 6WD and there are some more spare parts for 6WD robot than just wheels and engines?

Hi Welcome to the robot shop forums,

I don’t know how write Swedish but I translated your question and I can answer it for you.

  1. The motors have brass brushes and run at max speed at 7.2V nomial.

  2. The gear ratio describes how much the motor has been geared down by the gearbox. In this case the thumper has a strong metal gear box. Engineers utilize gear boxes to increase the torque of a motor but the trade-off by principle is a reduction in rotations (speed).

If you want the Thumper to be able to travel over rough terrain and even stairs, I recommend the 75:1 gear box version.

The 34:1 gearbox can go 7 KM/h whereas the 75:1 is rated to go a maximum of 3 Km/h.

In terms of controlling this beautiful chassis, you can go with many options. What is great about this platform it allows the user to decide whatever he wants to put on it, power it, and control it. The T-Rex would work but keep in mind, one great project, if you wish to learn more about circuits is to get H-bridges and design your own motor control board, connect it to a dedicated motor power supply and use your favorite micro-controller (could be a PIC, Arduino, or Keil) to control it.

Good luck !


Hej Välkommen till robotbutiks forum,

Jag vet inte hur skriv svenska men jag översatte din fråga och jag kan svara på det åt dig.

  1. Motorerna har mässingsborstar och köra vid max hastighet vid 7.2V nomial.

  2. utväxling beskriver hur mycket motorn har inriktat ned av växellådan. I detta fall är slagverktyg har en stark metall växellåda. Ingenjörer använder växellådor för att öka vridmomentet hos en motor, men avvägningen av princip är en minskning av rotationer (hastighet).

Om du vill att Thumper att kunna resa över ojämn terräng och även trappor, rekommenderar jag den 75: 1 växellåda version.

Den 34: 1 växellåda kan gå 7 km / t medan 75: 1 har fått betyget gå max 3 km / h.

När det gäller att kontrollera detta vackra chassi, kan du gå med många alternativ. Vad är bra med denna plattform det tillåter användaren att bestämma vad han vill sätta på den, makt den och kontrollera den. Den T-Rex skulle fungera men kom ihåg, en stor projekt, om du vill lära dig mer om kretsar är att få H-bryggor och designa din egen motorstyrkortet, anslut den till en dedikerad motor strömförsörjning och använda din favorit mikro -controller (kan vara en PIC, Arduino, eller Keil) för att kontrollera den.

Lycka till!


Ok thanks for your answer, do you mean I need both the T-Rex controler and a second controler?

No I mean the T-Rex controller will work, but you can use any controller assuming you are willing to figure out how to drive these 6 DC motors. What I was suggesting is, I would do a cool project where I get a prototyping board, and research into what motor drivers I can use for these motors. From there I would make a circuit that drives the motors and use my favorite micro controller to interface with it. One of the best parts of this kit is the fact that you literally are buying a robot platform. What you put on it / what you control it with is entirely up to you.

FYI , I plan on getting one of these as well to do a retrieval robot for outside terrain.

Can I for example put a Dj M-Lite GPS on it and a 6 or 7 channels ordinary reciver to control it?

That is pretty overkill in my opinion. It would work I guess.

I would recommend XBee or Bluetooth. You can build your own controller out of a build out board. It sounds like you have RC experience. Are you trying to do some nifty circuit / bread boarding solutions or just out of the box stuff.


Yes I have pretty much experience from RC-hobby. I have flewn both RC-helis and RC-planes but I was not funny at all when I crashed every time therefore I wanna have an RC-robot car because you don´t fly with it and you can´t crash with it either and destroy your expencive equipment on it.

Many years earlier when I was teenager I had an RC-beachbuggy. But I dont have that experience to build my own RC-controler that´s why I wanna buy them from the factory. As soon as I saw vids of what the Wild Thumper 6WD can do I was stucked and have to buy this one. The funniest thing with RC-hobby is that there is no limits at all and you can do whatever you want and put whatever you want on the models.

The only thing you have to keep in mind to not break this thing is that be careful not to make it fall on it’s side. This will quickly burn the motors are and run the gearbox. In my opinion, going down the route of Xbee is a good choice. Lots of example and documentation. Do you have any programming experience in C? I’m looking to write a guide on how to learn C in a robotics way.

The only thing you have to keep in mind to not break this thing is that be careful not to make it fall on it’s side. This will quickly burn the motors are and run the gearbox. In my opinion, going down the route of Xbee is a good choice. Lots of example and documentation. Do you have any programming experience in C? I’m looking to write a guide on how to learn C in a robotics way.