Why there 2 max voltage in this article?


On the power distributor of servo city https://ca.robotshop.com/products/servocity-servo-power-distribution-board-8-channel?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA6Ou5BhCrARIsAPoTxrBKcNWDmfVCgg9LoGq7z1M_WJ9KqweMZz7zpbD4lhUGP-Sz5XhaP6MaAnRHEALw_wcB

Why there 2 max voltage? On the bottom, in the description, is 15v max and in the text is 3 to 24v? Can I feed this power distribution with a 6s Lipo battery ( so 22.2V) that I will split into 5 lines? ( 3x power lines for 3x servos so 7.2v max, 1xpower line for bldc/esc motor so 10V and 1x power line for arduino so 5v with 3x voltage regulator in each different voltage)

Thanks alot

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Hi @Charley007 ,

We will check with ServoCity what would be the correct voltage.

We will get back to you.

Thank you.

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Hi @Charley007 ,

Here is a reply from ServoCity support:

The maximum voltage is 15VDC. And I think it’s worth noting that this board does not regulate the servo voltage at all. So if you are using it for Servos, you should make sure that you are using a power source that matches the servo voltage. Most servos only accept a maximum of 8.4V. And 15V would damage them.

Thank you.

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O thanks Igor

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You are welcome.