Why there 2 max voltage in this article?


On the power distributor of servo city https://ca.robotshop.com/products/servocity-servo-power-distribution-board-8-channel?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA6Ou5BhCrARIsAPoTxrBKcNWDmfVCgg9LoGq7z1M_WJ9KqweMZz7zpbD4lhUGP-Sz5XhaP6MaAnRHEALw_wcB

Why there 2 max voltage? On the bottom, in the description, is 15v max and in the text is 3 to 24v? Can I feed this power distribution with a 6s Lipo battery ( so 22.2V) that I will split into 5 lines? ( 3x power lines for 3x servos so 7.2v max, 1xpower line for bldc/esc motor so 10V and 1x power line for arduino so 5v with 3x voltage regulator in each different voltage)

Thanks alot

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Hi @Charley007 ,

We will check with ServoCity what would be the correct voltage.

We will get back to you.

Thank you.

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