Why is the LMR website so slow now?

At first I thought that the slow response was due to the latest upgrade of LMR but it has been like this for the last weeks and months. 

I’m using the latest Crome browser and it still takes 20-30 seconds to get to the homepage. Every next link I follow takes about 15-20 seconds.

With this response time I can’t really be bothered with LMR anymore.

Is it only here in Norway or does the rest of you get a good response time?

Looks like a universal problem

Same in Australia. It has been frustrating. Page loading times at least as slow as yours and Shoutbox is ridiculous.
I’d been wondering same if it was just on my end.
I’m using firefox but I don’t think it’s a browser issue.

up to 20 seconds here too.

Here in Switzerland it took about 20 seconds from the click on the link to this forum until this page showed up.

The image upload was fast as usual. Just page loading is like back in the days. 

Another spider infestation?

The other day I has hanging around here and LMR had a slow reaction time. Hugo showed up to look for something and noticed it was really slow too. After slaying a spider, LMR was as fast as it had ever been, (although Hugo forgot what he was originally going to look up :P). Maybe they have returned?

Have to concur - Since the

Have to concur - Since the ‘upgrade’ it has been really slow, so bad I nearly havn’t bothered some days.

Yes, the site is very slow
I’m new here. I’m in Canada and this site is extremely slow to load new pages.

The same in Portugal

At first I thaugh it was related to the proxy I’m “forced” to use, but now I can see that it’s the same everywhere

In Shanghai the same, 20

In Shanghai the same, 20 seconds loading time till the page is done. I did not realize this because I am always pre-open some pages by hitting thre link with the middle mouse button to avoid waiting…now I did it the traditional way and saw the slow speed too.

Same in Canada Toronto.

Same in Canada Toronto.

Wow - bad - thanks for

Wow - bad - thanks for letting us know.

We are so focused on v4, that we have not realized this, and I thought things where cool now. Personally my ISP has recently been purchased by another company, and in the transition phase everything is strange and slow, so I thought that was the reason.

We’ll look at it, sorry for the slow site!

Just got word from Hugo: I

Just got word from Hugo: I knew he was fighting “spiders” (evil stuff on the Internet), and he tells me this is the problem.

We might try and ask you guys to help us, just like you are already keeping the site free of spam. We will get back.

I am happy to note that we

I am happy to note that we FINALLY nailed this!!!

And this time it’s a permanent solution! (not like last time wt thought we had it fixed and it turned out we just closed out most of our visitors - oops - the site went slow again when people returned)

This time we found the right things to optimize and itøs done. CPU on one server was always at 100% over several years… - it’s now relaxing at some 20-30 %.

That’s how it is when you have to do it yourself :wink: But we managed. Finally :slight_smile:

Well done and I hope we

Well done and I hope we dudes here in China will benefit from that high speed too :slight_smile: