Why don't more programmers release their project code?

this is why i,m using a BS2 ,for me personally i dont see the need to reinvent the wheel ,so i use others code to get things working and adjust for what i,m working on ,i dont document very well so my code can be confusing (only really done 1 code so far and thats probly lost forever(i know should,ve backed it up) but if we kinda leapfrog each other instead of following i think well move ahaed faster and farther… and if ur not go ing to market ur code or product why not let the next guy ,u could always improve the code and market it ur self and use the code u posted here for your proof u wrote it first :wink: :wink:

"Dont ask what robotics can do for you! Ask what you can do for robotics "

I am seriously considering using the BS2px. It’s the fastest of the stamps and uses a stable IDE, and I am already used to many of the commands. The only thing I don’t like is the smaller program space and the program slots; however, it can help modularize the program if you think of it that way. For me, I prefer stability over connivance though.

I originally wanted to use the BS2px but figured the AtomPro over shadowed any of the Prallax stamps, but not with the current issues it has.

I’m not knocking the Atom or the AtomPRO, just my personal preference/opinion.

Sorry this is off topic, but I wanted to add my opinion on this.

I am also considering using a different microcontroller, but not a BS2. I am looking seriously at the Cubloc CB220 to start with, which is BS2 pin compatible and will work on an ABB with a simple modification (shorting one capacitor). It’s interesting to note that the CB220 has a larger program space, but also costs less than the Atom chips. The Cubloc microcontrollers are based on the Atmel Atmega128 chips. I’ve looked at the documentation for the Cubloc units and have checked out the language they use and don’t think it would be too difficult to convert my current Basic Atom code over. The Cubloc units are not really more powerful than the Atom PRO, but I believe the programming environment is less problematical. I really like the Atom PRO hardware, but have issues with the current IDE for features I want to use and don’t seem able to. Software can severely limit the usefulness of hardware.

I don’t care for the whole program slot and limited memory thing. I prefer a linear address space. I also prefer stability and dependability, especially in IDE software. The hardware has to be dependable to, of course, but there should not be a need for constantly working around problems that don’t relate specifically to the hardware. If you have to constantly work around hardware issues, you probably aren’t using the right hardware. :slight_smile:


Will you give the guys at Basic Micro a little more time to release the updated IDE’s?

I’ve personally had no problems with the Pro or the IDE, and I plan to stick with it for my projects. I think this decision will really pay off once PowerPod and the Visual Sequencer are updated for the Pro. 8)

No! I want it now now NOW! :stuck_out_tongue:

No offense, but some of the IDE issues have been known about for quite sometime. :wink: Most companies periodically release bug fixes to their software, rather than waiting for the next major release. I’m sorry, but this is a rather sore issue for me when it blocks me from doing something I should be able to do. I’ll wait (for awhile) for the next release of the IDE before I do anything major, like change microcontrollers. :slight_smile: I’d really would prefer to stay with the Basic Atom and Atom PRO.


just finished building my six wheel fancy…nice…but having trouble getting a hold on the programming…not looking to program my bot for compitition…more along the lines of an autonomous cruzier to explore different sensor setups…sonar, IR, GPS, etc…Does anyone have some compiled code that would be a good starting spot for me??? I’ll be honest…I WILL modify it as I go…but…damn…I’m having a hard time coming up with the skeleton…HELP… :open_mouth:

steve b.

forgot to tell you…running an OOPic II+ micro, superdroid expansion board, sabertooth 2x10 controller, sharp IR, PING))) sonar…


steve b.


To answer your original question…

I have the feeling (like many others) that the code I write is somehow sub-standard code. Part of me feels like if it works then it works and I don’t care how it got that way…and sometimes my code tends to follow this idea. This leads to the a$$ factor. Usually when you do post something there is someone that will come along and put down your stuff no matter what. Sometimes the comments on youtube make me sick. You may work a year on a robot and then post a video to share and then have some 12yo come along to say its crap.

Nerds like to be the masters of their domains and they want it to stay that way. I don’t know how many times Ive heard something along the lines of “geeze you don’t know how to install your printer drivers…”

I wouldn’t let it bother you. You have to understand that this is a very selective hobby and really the only ones that can apprecieate the work are other fellow bot builders.

I do release my code when it can be used by others, its decent quality, and nothing similar can be easily found.

Unfortunately the stuff I do often cannot be used by others.
E.g. My current project is using a ATmega128 for the main processor talking to a ATmega32 using I2C which will process sensor data.

Sure I could release my code but no one in their right mind would consider using it. :laughing:

Try an ADuC832 talking to 6 ADuC814’s over I2C to tell each leg where to go… Who in their right mind would want to tackle that :unamused:


I’m not sure if this has been posted or not, as I don’t have time to read this entire 3 page thread between classes, but I personally use AVR micros (for several reasons) and I’ve found avrfreaks.net/ most helpful. Not only are there the “nuggets” of code in the forums in response to specific questions, but there are numerous projects with full code/hardware schematics (it’s encouraged to provide as much documentation/code as possible over there). It’s a great resource for those of use that use Atmel micros.

To address the more general question of why more people don’t release their code (while acknowledging that many people do), I think that sometimes when people come up with good solutions to non-trivial problems, they tend to feel that they shouldn’t just “hand out” their code… almost as if they feel like others should have to put the same work into finding a solution that they did (I’m trying to be as intentionally vague as the OP, because I do realize that there is a ton of code out there. I’m trying to explore the mindset of those that don’t release anything). Personally I release all code that I’m allowed to (obviously code that I write on the job, or for my university enterprise group doesn’t fall under this umbrella due to NDAs that I was required to sign) But I make all my personal projects public.

Just my binary dime…

Wow I didn’t realize I dug up such an old thread. Sorry guys, I’m new here, and I’m used to the first few threads listed on forums being recent. I’ll pay more attention in the future :unamused:

Hi Folks,

Just to offer my tuppence worth.

I don’t release my code because it is pretty specific to the development of my bot ‘Wire’ add to that I am new to this so my code is definately not as perfect as it could be … But works on my level.

If anyone had a particular question as in ’ How did you do that ?’ then by all means I will tell them, and help them as much as possible.

Actually thought of this thread whilst writting my new code … I am not a programmer and to release it would mean I would have to add so many comments / error handling events etc.

I add the above as they help ME … I know, very selfish … But it is something I am doing for fun and not for commercial gain or to show off. On that last bit I don’t mean that everyone falls into the two categories, I have learn’t so much from people releasing code … But mine is going to hinder their learning and not help them.

Not sure if that came across right, but been in the pub a while :slight_smile:

All the best.


That’s a great point, and I’ve modifed the webpage and the source file to include such info.

Perhaps here you will find answers to many of your questions. Unfortunately, for some unknown reason, the administration expressed its expert opinion and closed the post for further discussion, which is a pity.