Why does not all 4 servos work together

HEllo, so Im building a simple robot dog, that has 8 servos.
So far I have only connected 4 servos and trying to get them all to work.
Im using the Servo controller and the same example code they provide (https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-16-channel-servo-driver-with-raspberry-pi/overview) (but adjusted to my speification)
I have 4 servos connected. And here is my problem they all work fine individual or in pair but using all 4 at the same time
2 of them will not work, they act like they are broken just twitching and barley moving.
But if I test them again individual they are working fine. They also work 2 and 2 but never all 4 at the same time .
Im using a Rapsberry pi 3 B+ and 6V battery to power the servo controller.
I dont know where the problem is, the raspberry pi, the wiring , the servo controller or battery.

Anybody else who knows this problem, that could help me or point me at the right direction?

Hello @Grizzlyman!

It could be one of two things, either the controller is not powerful enough or the battery does not have a high enough discharge rate.

To check the first thing, verify if your servos work in the voltage range of the controller and if the controller can supply enough current. If they are hobby servos they most likely do.

For the second I recommend you to check this guide, specifically the discharge rate section at the end

I hope that helps!

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Thanks, replacing batteries did the trick!!!

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