I have a problem/question and I hope someone can help me out. I am working on a project, where I have a baby dinosaur floating up and down inside a glass dome filled with water. On the bottom of the water there is a 7mm thick methacrylate board that joins the dome with silicone. I need to put a sensor under the methacrylate board that is capable to calculate the distance between the dinosaur and the sensor. This dinosaur is on fetal position so the sensor would have to detect its tail, and it might spin on its Z axis. This is the shape and position of the dinosaur on the link below. The dinosaur would be between 5cm and 30cm of the sensor within its floating movement aproximately.
I also need this sensor to work with Arduino. But I have no idea which sensor would be able to calculate properly the distance of the dinosaur.
Thank you in advance and I hope I can get a response soon.
It’s cheap, the range is 3-450 cm which is OK for your project and it has UART output so it should be easy to connect with Arduino. But I have no idea how this will behave, or will it even work, since you have this methacrylate board and water between sensor and object and it is an ultrasonic sensor.
I was thinking of putting a strong magnet in the base/tail of the dino, and use a Hall effect sensor under the acrylic base. It MIGHT have enough sensitivity. I just used a Hall sensor that could detect a magnet through 1/8" aluminum without issue. If you get the Hall effect module it has a preamp on board with digital and analong outputs. That module is part of the 37 sensor kits you can buy…very inexpensive.
That’s actually a good idea, the tail of the dinosaur is actually filled up with epoxy resin mixed with steel dust, so that might make things easier if I get to put a magnet in it. Thank you so much!