I would like to buy the Lynxmotion A4WD1 MTS 12T Caterpillar Kit. As it does not have any electronics, I am curious which Motors with Encoders should I use? Roughly I would love if the robot would have more than enough force to go up vertically on the side of a wall as well as move at an ~10km/h. In terms of carrying capacity ~2.5kg as indicated in the product description should be more than enough.
I am quite a beginner in robotics, spent 3 hours researching and could not find the answer, so hope someone can help
Going "up vertically on the side of a wall” is impossible: most “wall climbing” robots use powerful vacuum / suction to apply a force against the wall, and friction keeps it there. The frames are ultralight.
We do not have a crazy powerful motor that can propel the A4WD (MTS or Not) at the moment.
The motor mounting pattern limits the choice of motors.
Also, I saw that the A4WD MTS comes with the GHM-13 motor; do these motors have encoders? Or can I buy separate encoders from your store (I could not find any)
You are right, those motors will not fit the mounting pattern of the frame.
We have a motor that fit which have the rear shaft for encoders but it’s under-powered for the application so we do nos suggest it.
Searching around from other suppliers, i’ve found those motors here: