Which motor controller for RS-550 Motor

The subject motor is replacing the original in a Mighty Mule 200 gate opener. Using a power supply providing 13.8 volts DC the motor starts momentarily with 8 amps then immediately drops to 1-1.5 amps when actually moving the gate. I am planning to use an Arduino UNO R3 to control the motor. I am thinking of the RB-Cyt-132 or RB-Cyt-116. Are there better choices?

Hi @panhantan and welcome to the forum!

RB-Cyt-132 would control it with no problem. Also, Rb-Cyt-116 can do the same plus it is an Arduino shield so you could connect it easily with your Arduino UNO R3.

Thanks. I was favoring the 116 for the same reason. This is my first Arduino project and I wanted some input from those with more experience.

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@panhantan With the specs you provided, answer is accurate.
The 550 motor sold by RobotShop is significantly more powerful though:
Are the measurements you took on the old motor or the 550?

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It was on the 550. The old motor cannot move the gate when the same voltage is applied. Which brings up another question? Is there an easy way to measure torque on a motor when a voltage is applied? The old motor runs fine with no load.

Hey @panhantan! For precise torque measurements, there are special measuring units like this one:

But, maybe you could try some of these approaches: