The best thing for me in a project like this LMR, is that we inspire each other, collaborative development is actually what we do - even though many of us would say that what we do is completely unique ;)
Today "a robot" is most likely not walking around but has tracks or wheels, can navigate autonomously, and that is in many instances just about that.
Of course I know that this is also highly influenced by our "start here" project.
Many times creative souls make something different and show the rest. Usually this is just touching the group, perhaps a few inputs are added to the common pool of ideas and knowledge - but the group continues to develop it's autonomous driveing little things.
However, I see a trend now, and I like it.
My personal thoughts are that the science fiction of robots wandering the streets autonomously are just a silly dream. "Robots having their own life". Why would we want robots walking around minding their own business?
What we want is extensions of our selves, tools to do stuff for us.
The smarter the tools the more they can do.
A tool that can act on it's own (being autonomous, but still remote controlled) is the ultimate tool.
- And so I think it is interesting to see that people in here are starting to look at making combinations of remote control and autonomous. Adding cameras and smart functions.