Where to get help


I am brand new to this and trying to figure out what is the best way to automatically track an object from a fixed position using something like infrared eye and infrared sensor or maybe radio frequencie ID tag and receiver or GPS navigation and GPS modules or maybe an electronic eye. It would need to track up and down and side to side as well as stay on the object despite other movement in the background or foreground. It also needs to be able to do the tracking quickly and smoothly. There are somethings that do this already but they are super expensive and I want to build my own.

I don't know where to start but I do know I don't want to have to connect a laptop to the device it should be self contained. Any help is appreciated.



We need more info to help

What is the object?

Is it your object, can you put a beacon,tag or GPS on it?  

Is your fixed position a single spot, or a wall or a ceiling ?

Are you indoors or outdoors?

What do you need to track?  Just direction, or direction and distance?

We have to take all these things and more into account and more to recomend the “best” way.  If you give us more info we will try to help.




Can you provide some details about the application / project? Is it indoors or outdoors? What are you looking to track? Also, do you have programming experience if a custom solution is needed?



I’m trying to build a tracking camera so you don’t need someone to shoot video of you. Ideally it would work indoors as well as outdoors. So it will need to identify the person or object being tracked at a distance of maybe 400 to 500 feet. I think that would cover most sporting or entertainment events. It would need to be able to track quickly and smoothly. 

The problems I forsee are ID-ing the object to be tracked and any lag in moving the camera so it stays on the object or person. I don’t think the coding would be extreamly difficult but being I’m new to this I would deffinately need some help. I want to build this as close to a professional level as possible.





Tracking camera


I’m trying to build a tracking camera so you don’t need someone to shoot video of you. Ideally it would work indoors as well as outdoors. So it will need to identify the person or object being tracked at a distance of maybe 400 to 500 feet. I think that would cover most sporting or entertainment events. It would need to be able to track quickly and smoothly. 

The problems I forsee are ID-ing the object to be tracked and any lag in moving the camera so it stays on the object or person. I don’t think the coding would be extreamly difficult but being I’m new to this I would deffinately need some help. I want to build this as close to a professional level as possible.






You’re trying to re-invent the wheel. A device as you described has been around for many years and is known as “Cameraman”. It consists of a motorized P/T assembly that you add your own camera to and it automatically tracks the talent. I’ve bought 2 of these used for about $20.00 so if you count your time for anything plus the parts you would have to buy, it isn’t worth it. That is, unless you want to build it purely as an educational endeavor, but from a practical standpoint, no.